potassium cyanide method

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Oct 20, 2014
pleas see the attached video and tell me what is this method
what is the other material the man put .
he used potassium cyanide and other stuff
Sodium or potassium cyanide with probably sodium peroxide.

No alkali required, the 25g or so of cyanide tablet will give a pH of over 11 in the less than 2 litres of water shown.

At that concentration the solution will, as shown, take up both gold and copper plating very quickly.

Nothing particularly new or novel in the application as shown.

thanks deano for your reply .
and i hope if u know the material that extracting gold out of the solution .is it like aqua regia process the sodium metabisulfate .
Zinc dust works well, not pure product so needs refining to reach high purity.
Using cyanide comes with inherent dangers please make sure you know what your doing.
thanks nickvc for your reply .i put a zinc metal not dust and i am wating to see the reaction .i saw some bubble and i hope it will extract gold well .
Zinc metal is a bad choice. Once the metal is coated with a thin layer if gold (about 12 cents worth per square inch, or less), the gold stops depositing on the zinc. Best is 325 mesh "zinc dust." Lots of surface area. With it, an ounce or two will drop an ounce of gold.
thanks goldsilverpro .i will work withe your advice .
but is there an alternative way other than zinc dust . can i use zinc oxide
You can electrowin the solution if you can build a cell, but zinc is simple and works, as GSP said you need powder or dust as the gold will coat larger pieces stopping the reaction.
Please do not try to "improve" cyanide stripping process. Do not substitute or experiment with it. You are not going to find anything new or exciting, you are putting yourself and others in real danger.
IMG_1522.jpgthanks again to all of my friends who answering me on this topic .
i will add a photo of t he metal zinc after putting it in the cyanide .i hope the black powder will be gold even if not so pure
i use only sodium cyanide and some of hydrogen peroxide .
i notice that the leaching of gold is so slow but very effective ,i need something more strong and fast .i think even the cyanide is danger but if u use it in a very carfull way and in a fume hod i think it will gives a good result .
thanks to all who helped me and give me advice .
What exactly is your material if we knew that then perhaps we could give you more advice or suggest other processes, faster recovery doesn't necessarily mean better it can be more expensive or leave some values behind.
IMG_1304.jpgIMG_1275.jpgIMG_1299.jpgi have 1000 kg of this kind of boards and i work in so much way but i need to make things faster and more efectiv .i like to try another ways of working in this gold refinery ,thats why i try to use the cyanide method .
i am thinking of burning all the boards and put them in a ball mill and after put all stuff in cyanide solution .
i think if i try to make a line of products automatic line that dosent need me to be near the cyanide i think it will give a good results ,
the pic i upload before after extracting the gold withe zinc it was not a lot of boards or gold plated pins and it gave me a unexpected gold and quantity ,IMG_1286.jpgIMG_1273.jpgView attachment 4
The process your using is the best and most effective for visible gold plating.
Trying to burn the boards is not going to work too well unless you have a bag house and after burners to remove the toxic fumes which will poison you, your neighbours and the environment.
You need to strip the boards of components some of which will have values which will need different processes, some can be sold for the metals in them, you need to sort and reduce the bulk, cut off fingers if the boards have no other visible plating, do some more research for what is worth recovering and refining.

"i use only sodium cyanide and some of hydrogen peroxide "

and i thought H2O2 destroy HCN-salts....good to know what to doo with chemicals but especially with cyanides.

It is scary to have members speaking openly about cyanide and admitting they know little about treating the waste when they're done.

and i thought H2O2 destroy HCN-salts....good to know what to doo with chemicals but especially with cyanides.

And this is exactly why this forum does not condone cyanide use by amateurs. Too many things can go wrong!
I'm with you 101% 4metals but people are going to do it anyway, we can't stop them but perhaps we can stop them hurting themselves or the environment.
thanks to all who share withe me his concern about what i asked .and i know its dangerous but i thought it will be more effective , i will stop working withe cyanide ,i only do 1 test and i will not make it again .but it will be great to try it better than u will be thinking of it ,

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