Knowing Göran, I would think it is just a temporary problem. He was here earlier today, so he'll probably be able to give us an update soon.
thank you. an invaluable book.Let me start by thanking Noxx, Harold_V and Palladium. Thank you Noxx for creating this forum where priceless information is so freely shared. Thank you Harold for encouraging everyone to read Hoke's book. And thank you Palladium for making the digital version of her book available to us all. Without you three, this project would have never been possible. Also, special thanks to my wife, Reva, who obtained an original 1940 copy through an inter-library loan from The Vining Library at the West Virgina Institute of Technology.
I know many of us stretch our dollars as far as we can. Not everyone wants, or is able, to buy a hard copy of Hoke's book, but reading the digital copy can strain old eyes like mine. So I've created a more frugal, printer friendly version. This copy is reformatted to print 2 pages of the book on each side of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. By printing on both sides of the sheet the book can be printed on just under 100 sheets of paper. The sheets are then cut in half and make a 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" book that can be put in a small 3 ring binder or other binding of your choice.
To Print the Book: The book is formatted to be printed on both sides of the sheet. If your printer can print on both sides, simply run it as a duplex job. Each odd numbered page is paired with the following even numbered page.
If your printer does not print on both sides, then first print out the odd pages. Put the printed pages back in the printer (make sure they will print in the correct order - I have to reverse the order to print the second sides on my printer) and print the even pages on the second sides. Since my printer seems to like to grab 2 sheets together at the most inopportune times, ruining the rest of the job, I just print out 10 or 20 pages at a time, flip them over, and print the second sides. If they feed right I move on to the next 10 or 20. If the printer screws up, I just have to reprint a few pages, then move on.
If anyone finds errors (I know there are bound to still be a few), ommissions, or problems please let me know and I'll make corrections and update the file here. I'll include the revision date in the file name so you'll be able to tell if you have the current version.
Thank you, Dave, as you expected, this is helpful. I'm putting together an e-book on the various e-waste sources with a detailed section covering chips, crystals, boards, capacitors, mfgrs, specs, yrs in use, metal contents, etc. Since there's no link to download Wilson's any moreLet me start by thanking Noxx, Harold_V and Palladium. Thank you Noxx for creating this forum where priceless information is so freely shared. Thank you Harold for encouraging everyone to read Hoke's book. And thank you Palladium for making the digital version of her book available to us all. Without you three, this project would have never been possible. Also, special thanks to my wife, Reva, who obtained an original 1940 copy through an inter-library loan from The Vining Library at the West Virgina Institute of Technology.
I know many of us stretch our dollars as far as we can. Not everyone wants, or is able, to buy a hard copy of Hoke's book, but reading the digital copy can strain old eyes like mine. So I've created a more frugal, printer friendly version. This copy is reformatted to print 2 pages of the book on each side of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. By printing on both sides of the sheet the book can be printed on just under 100 sheets of paper. The sheets are then cut in half and make a 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" book that can be put in a small 3 ring binder or other binding of your choice.
To Print the Book: The book is formatted to be printed on both sides of the sheet. If your printer can print on both sides, simply run it as a duplex job. Each odd numbered page is paired with the following even numbered page.
If your printer does not print on both sides, then first print out the odd pages. Put the printed pages back in the printer (make sure they will print in the correct order - I have to reverse the order to print the second sides on my printer) and print the even pages on the second sides. Since my printer seems to like to grab 2 sheets together at the most inopportune times, ruining the rest of the job, I just print out 10 or 20 pages at a time, flip them over, and print the second sides. If they feed right I move on to the next 10 or 20. If the printer screws up, I just have to reprint a few pages, then move on.
If anyone finds errors (I know there are bound to still be a few), ommissions, or problems please let me know and I'll make corrections and update the file here. I'll include the revision date in the file name so you'll be able to tell if you have the current version.
Thank YouSorry.![]()
thank you sirA Few Additional Notes:
I've tried to correct some of the little errors created by the original OCR software used when the book was scanned, as well as a few I found in the hard copies I used as references.
All pages are included in this copy, including the elusive page 63, and a few other parts of pages that were missing, and the frontispiece photo which was not included in the 2003 reprint.
I rescanned all the drawings and photos. They're not great, but I think they're a little better. They are a compromise between file size and picture quality. The file size is still just a little over 2MB.
I recreated the flow sheets in Chapter XXII to make them more readable. A couple of words were amost impossible to read in the 2003 reprint and only marginally better in the 1940. It loses the handwritten character of the original flow sheets, but they are more legible.
The 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" format is the same size as the 2003 reprint. The original 1940 copy is a bit larger at 5-7/8" x 9".
I also added a photo of Calm Morrison Hoke that was posted recently by Rusty. Although there's not a lot of information about her, I did find that she was born in 1887 and, I believe, she died in 1952. She would have been in her early 50's when she wrote the book which fits with what she wrote in the Preface.
Thank youبعض الملاحظات الإضافية:
لقد حاولت تصحيح بعض الأخطاء الصغيرة التي أحدثها برنامج OCR الأصلي المستخدم عند مسح الكتاب ضوئيًا، بالإضافة إلى بعض الأخطاء التي وجدتها في النسخ المطبوعة التي استخدمتها كمراجع :أُووبس:.
تتضمن هذه النسخة جميع الصفحات، بما في ذلك الصفحة 63 التي يصعب العثور عليها، وبعض الأجزاء الأخرى من الصفحات التي كانت مفقودة، وصورة الصفحة الأولى التي لم يتم تضمينها في إعادة الطباعة عام 2003.
لقد قمت بإعادة مسح جميع الرسومات والصور. إنها ليست رائعة، ولكنني أعتقد أنها أفضل قليلاً. إنها حل وسط بين حجم الملف وجودة الصورة. لا يزال حجم الملف يزيد قليلاً عن 2 ميجا بايت.
لقد قمت بإعادة إنشاء المخططات التدفقية في الفصل الثاني والعشرين لجعلها أكثر قابلية للقراءة. كان من المستحيل تقريبًا قراءة بعض الكلمات في إعادة الطباعة عام 2003 ولم يكن الأمر أفضل إلا بشكل طفيف في عام 1940. لقد فقدت الطابع المكتوب بخط اليد للمخططات التدفقية الأصلية، لكنها أصبحت أكثر قابلية للقراءة.
حجم النسخة المطبوعة 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" هو نفس حجم النسخة المطبوعة عام 2003. أما النسخة الأصلية لعام 1940 فهي أكبر قليلاً حيث يبلغ حجمها 5-7/8" x 9".
لقد أضفت أيضًا صورة لـ Calm Morrison Hoke التي نشرها Rusty مؤخرًا. ورغم عدم وجود الكثير من المعلومات عنها، فقد وجدت أنها ولدت في عام 1887، وأعتقد أنها توفيت في عام 1952. ربما كانت في أوائل الخمسينيات من عمرها عندما كتبت الكتاب، وهو ما يتوافق مع ما كتبته في المقدمة.
Welcome to us.Thank you