Problem with makeing Nitric Acid

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New member
Mar 4, 2012
Hello, I am pritty new to the whole refining of gold filled items. I have been buying Nitric Acid 70% from a source, but to save money I started making it. I use 2 parts Sodium Nitrate with 1 part sulfuric acid to make it. Since it is self heating I don't heat. I also add about a cup of water the the nitrate first and mix a bit before adding the conc. sulfuric. After cooling a bit I filter the liquid, however, I have been getting crystalization at the bottom of my beaker after the acid fully cools. Is there something I am doing wrong or how can I avoid this? The acid seems to work just fine, but wondering how to stop the crystals? Thanks
place the solution in a plastic bottle about ¾ full and place in the freezer overnight. the acid will not freeze. filter while cold. this will remove a large portion of the salt. this may have to be repeated several time to get most of the salt out. this form of nitric acid is not recommended for use with silver.

When you say you are mixing two to one, are you doing this by molecular weight of each ingredient?

Here below is a discussion that uses 2mole nitrate and one mole of 98% sulfuric acid, and water.

You can find more about this try search for Laser Steve’s cold nitric recipe or something similar, or see the general reaction list in welcome to new members.

Potassium salts are not very soluble, and if cooled too fast I find that potassium salts forming can lock up nitric acid in the potassium sulfate salts easily, so slow cooling when crystallizing the salts seems to help me, I do not notice this problem as bad when using sodium nitrates to make nitric acid.
gold_desire said:
I have been buying Nitric Acid 70% from a source, but to save money I started making it.
Where do you live? I have about 20 gallons for sale,along with a plethora of other stuff.Send me a PM with your number,if you are interested.
Nevermind...I found you.I am not going anywhere near there.... :mrgreen: I'm too chicken.But if you wanted to make an offer for everything,maybe we could meet in the middle,like charlotte,or nashville.
When I tried making my own nitric, I was never able to dissolve silver. My guess is that the sulfuric and sodium nitrate never reacted, so all I had in the end was sulfuric. Anyways, for me, it seemed to never stop precipitating, and there was a LOT of salt after sitting in freezer (I think it was sodium nitrate and not sodium sulfate)
In the end, I came here and was recommended to buy nitric instead of make it. Turns out, it was only like 10% more money to buy it than make it - not worth the hassle!
mic said:
Nevermind...I found you.I am not going anywhere near there.... :mrgreen: I'm too chicken.But if you wanted to make an offer for everything,maybe we could meet in the middle,like charlotte,or nashville.

Where ya headed Johnny? Are we allowed to know?
It depends.If someone ends up buying all of my escrap then I will probably end up working out a deal to deliver it to the buyer,since not too many of our members are in central forida.I was a truck driver years ago,so delivering everything is not that big of a deal for me.Where I am going to dredge is kind of a know,the fewer the better.I will posting videos,pictures,and some of my gold results on the forum.
I have everything pretty much ready to go,but I need $10k to make it all happen,and that is why I am selling my escrap,and equipment.

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