process for the removal

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Jan 27, 2012
as would be the process for the removal of the soldudara without oxidation?

the rise of the gold pin ceramic capacitors without damaging?
Where are you from? Do you use google translator? I somehow have problem to find out what your question is? Same as on your second post. We need to know what do you ask when we want to respond in first place.
I see colombia. Maybe if you post in Spanish then we may figure out what do you want to know better. 8)
Pat, I think he's trying to de-solder & remove the gold pins from the ceramic, (cpu's?), with heat, but they turn black because of oxidation, thus, "damaging" them.
philddreamer said:
Pat, I think he's trying to de-solder & remove the gold pins from the ceramic, (cpu's?), with heat, but they turn black because of oxidation, thus, "damaging" them.

Problem is taht we think what he think and it may be different story. I just asked him to ask in spanish there is plenty of members who can understand and answer. :arrow: see Harolds answer on his second thread. No disrespect or anything just helping him to get help. Otherwise his question will be without any answer.
patnor1011 said:
Where are you from? Do you use google translator? I somehow have problem to find out what your question is? Same as on your second post. We need to know what do you ask when we want to respond in first place.

pues bueno a todos un saludo soy de Colombia

mi pregunta

es hacer la placa de una board para desoldar todos pines y los capacitores cerámicos para luego una clasificación de los materiales

Ceramic capacitors? Like these?

As far as I know majority do not contain any precious metals. Some may be with gold or silver plated legs but they are rare to encounter.
condensadores cerámicos monolíticos (MCC) de paladio, pero nunca he visto ninguna de oro. Le preguntamos sobre la CPU de las computadoras o los condensadores?
Hola Kranbork!
Si entiendo bien su pregunta, usted desea saber COMO proceder, o que metodo usar, para de-soldar los diversos componentes en el Mother Board, y despues clasificarlas, no?

Bueno, yo uso un sarten de hierro el cual caliento hasta el punto de derretir el estano, y sobre el cual coloco los boards. Luego sacudo el board o raspo las piezas o componentes que deseo recobrar.

Por favor, tenga mucho cuidado con los vapores toxicos y con las "latitas" las cuales explotan al sobre calentarse! Asegurese que haya buena ventilacion y tambien haga uso de una mascarilla con los cartuchos apropiados para este uso.
Tambien proteja su cara y ojos, pues en veces explotan algunos de los componentes y salpican metal fundido!

Su usted tambien desea recobrar y/o refinar los metales preciosos, le requerimos que usted lea el libro de Hoke's hasta completamente familiarizarse con la informacion que ella presenta. Que tanto entiende el ingles? A ver si necesitamos encontrarle una copia en espanol.

Cuidese y tenga un buen dia!

philddreamer said:
Hola Kranbork!
Si entiendo bien su pregunta, usted desea saber COMO proceder, o que metodo usar, para de-soldar los diversos componentes en el Mother Board, y despues clasificarlas, no?

Bueno, yo uso un sarten de hierro el cual caliento hasta el punto de derretir el estano, y sobre el cual coloco los boards. Luego sacudo el board o raspo las piezas o componentes que deseo recobrar.

Por favor, tenga mucho cuidado con los vapores toxicos y con las "latitas" las cuales explotan al sobre calentarse! Asegurese que haya buena ventilacion y tambien haga uso de una mascarilla con los cartuchos apropiados para este uso.
Tambien proteja su cara y ojos, pues en veces explotan algunos de los componentes y salpican metal fundido!

Su usted tambien desea recobrar y/o refinar los metales preciosos, le requerimos que usted lea el libro de Hoke's hasta completamente familiarizarse con la informacion que ella presenta. Que tanto entiende el ingles? A ver si necesitamos encontrarle una copia en espanol.

Cuidese y tenga un buen dia!


Thanks for your help
butcher said:
The warning of toxic fumes I could understand.

Translated to English:
Kranbork Hello!
If I understand your question correctly, you want to know how to proceed or which method to use to de-solder the various components in the Mother Board, and then classify them, right?

Well, I use an iron skillet which heat up to the point of melting the tin, and on which I place the boards. Then shake the board or scrape the parts or components that wish to recover.

Please take good care of toxic vapors and the "cans" which explode when overheated! Make sure you have good ventilation and also makes use of a mask with cartridges suitable for this use.
Also protect your face and eyes, as in sometimes explode some of the components and molten metal splash!

Your you also want to recover and / or refine the precious metals, we require that you read the book of Hoke's to completely familiarize yourself with the information she presents. That both understands English? Let's see if we need to find a copy in Spanish.

Take care and have a nice day!

Kran, Butcher dice que, "ese es un buen metodo para de-soldar las piezas".

Los capacitadores monoliticos, (los rectangulos pequenos color marron), contienen paladio, guardalos.

Butcher, Phil says to Kran, that you said "this is a good method to de-solder the pieces."
The monolithic capacitors (small brown rectangles) contain palladium, save them.
Thank You gentlemen,
Both for helping kranbork in his natural language and for translating so the rest are able to follow the thread and learn with our new member.

Tom C.

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