Question before starting my first batch of pins

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Jun 3, 2012
Central VA
Ok. I'm getting ready to start processing my first batch of pins and just want to make sure I'm not heading for disaster. I have 1042 grams of pins came from old prototyping wirewrap boards and the socket attachments for it. The pins have no solder and do stick to a magnet. No part of my processing is done inside so I've been making good use of the search button and come up with my plan of attack:

Put bubbler in the bottom of my crockpott
Put pins in crockpot.
Cover with HCL.
Add a little used AP.
Put lid on top.
Set heat to low.
Turn on bubbler.

From what I understand this should take a couple of days to process fully. Then once all base metals have disolved let everything cool off and filter out the foils and I can start washes and refining.

Am I missing anything?

EDIT: changed subject of post to be more accurate.
This will work, if much solder remove it first with straight HCl this will help with filtering solutions later, it may take a little longer than you think to dissolve all of the copper, as the copper II chloride leach is slow if you have a lot of copper to dissolve, if much iron in solution it may help to remove the iron solution and add more acid peroxide as the leach progresses, with heat you may have to add a little peroxide now and then if the air bubbler cannot keep enough oxygen in solution (if solution becomes dark brown), or you may need to add a little more HCl if white copper I chloride salts form, re-reading the document on Laser Steve's website if you are not familiar with the copper II chloride leach.

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