question on copper cell, hcl cl, and cat comb troubles

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Mar 20, 2012
Hi a new poster and long time lurker.....

couple of questions that I have been searching and searching for...may have found the answers but havent netted them due to the huge size of this forum...which is GREAT by the way. HCL CL there a certain amount of bleach to mix in or a ratio or volume?

Second, is there a way to use a sulfuric cell to accumulte and drop copper

Third, before i found this site, I called SHOR about cats....guy told me to put cats in Caustic Soda and eat the ceramics and what was left was PGM......

This was a total fail and a big mess.... I ordered Steves cat video (thanks a million Steve!) and now am going to start over but heres the catch....the 2 from the Caustic Soda I have rinsed many times with tap water and today, I put the bigger chunks in a pyrex and added hcl cl.

Immedieately, It turned yellow green and foamed out....

Is there possibly caustic soda still in the combs and if this is the reaction Im witnessing, can I process these or simply dump them and start with fresh cats?
I have other cats to do hcl cl on but would hate to waste these.
Thanks in advance
ok, after a couple of hours settling, the cats I will call them caustic cats.....with the added hcl have been engulfed in a yellow gelatinous mass....

I have rinsed this mass to clear and the cat combs are very gray....
HCL hydrochloric acid and NaOH Sodium hydroxide gives NaCl sodium chloride (table salt), and water.

HCl + NaOH --> NaCl + H2O

So if you had a sodium hydroxide caustic solution and added HCl acid to it until the pH was neutral all you would have is salt water (and what ever carbon or trash was in the catalytic honey comb to begin with, you could wash away the salt water before trying to leach the catalytic converter in an acid solution, you can use a pH meter or pH test papers to measure the Ph, or just make them slightly acidic In HCl and wash, the excess HCl alone will not dissolve the PGM.

As far as the bleach (sodium hypochlorite), I would cover the sliced honey comb sitting in a corning casserole dish on a solid burner hot plate, the honeycomb sitting so that the gas bubbles can travel up through the hole's in the honey comb as the bubbles rise in solution, I would only add a tiny bit of bleach, this will generate chlorine gas in the acid which will dissolve the PGM, the more heat the faster the reaction but if heated to high the bleach will not stay in solution very long to do its work, and you will just be generating chlorine gas in the air above the pot. let this reaction bubble a while and add a little more bleach at a time as needed.

Also wait until you get Laser Steve’s video, it should not take long, He is very good with explaining things and is very thorough in his information, his video should make it very simple to understand and follow for good results.
HCL hydrochloric acid and NaOH Sodium hydroxide gives NaCl sodium chloride (table salt), and water.

HCl + NaOH --> NaCl + H2O

So if you had a sodium hydroxide caustic solution and added HCl acid to it until the pH was neutral all you would have is salt water (and what ever carbon or trash was in the catalytic honey comb to begin with, you could wash away the salt water before trying to leach the catalytic converter in an acid solution, you can use a pH meter or pH test papers to measure the Ph, or just make them slightly acidic In HCl and wash, the excess HCl alone will not dissolve the PGM.

As far as the bleach (sodium hypochlorite), I would cover the sliced honey comb sitting in a corning casserole dish on a solid burner hot plate, the honeycomb sitting so that the gas bubbles can travel up through the hole's in the honey comb as the bubbles rise in solution, I would only add a tiny bit of bleach, this will generate chlorine in the acid which will dissolve the PGM, the more heat the faster the reaction but if heated to high the bleach will not stay in solution very long to do its work, let this reaction bubble a while and add a little more bleach at a time.

Also wait until you get Laser Steve’s video, it should not take long to arrive, He is very good with explaining things, and is very thorough in his information, his video should make it very simple to understand and follow the directions for good results.
got the video and watched and learned...the NaOH was from 6 months ago before Hoke or this forum....

Only did about 1/4 of my cats to see the reactions.....but the issuing foam and yellow jello were enough to make me step back

I have rinsed the rest of this cat batch a couple of more times and will be starting over with hcl cl.

thx for the response and the info on hcl and NaOH nice to know that it converts to such common materials.... so I can gather that adding hcl a little at a time til reaction stops will neutralize both NaOH and HCl to water and salt...rinse out said salt water and start over with hcl cl....

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