Question to lasersteve

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2009
Steve, what metal is cathode in your cell video on site made of?
What is the aim of adding a little glycerine to sulfuric acid?
The cathode is lead.

The glycerin is not required, Goldsilverpro pointed this out to me after the video was made.

I'm hoping to find the time to remake the enitre series of cell videos with the update processes and techniques.

lazersteve said:
The cathode is lead.

The glycerin is not required, Goldsilverpro pointed this out to me after the video was made.

I'm hoping to find the time to remake the enitre series of cell videos with the update processes and techniques.


Why lead cathode? I took Pentium Pro tungsten alloy plate as cathode, what do you thin, will it work good enough in this case?
Renaldas said:
lazersteve said:
The cathode is lead.

The glycerin is not required, Goldsilverpro pointed this out to me after the video was made.

I'm hoping to find the time to remake the enitre series of cell videos with the update processes and techniques.


Why lead cathode? I took Pentium Pro tungsten alloy plate as cathode, what do you thin, will it work good enough in this case?

If I remember right it is a copper tungsten alloy. I don't think I would use it without the possability of contaminating your soution more than it will be.
Renaldas said:
Why lead cathode? I took Pentium Pro tungsten alloy plate as cathode, what do you thin, will it work good enough in this case?

Lead is cheap, easily shaped, sulfuric acid resistant, and readily available, that's why I use it.


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