Rain water?

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2012
If I collected rain water and filtered it through a new charcoal water filter would that be of suficient quality to use for refining silver using niric acid then copper??
No, based on my own experience. I tried the water from my house in electrolysis once and if formed a sort of muck on top, must have been from the carbon that's in the filters. Just filtering the rain water should be good enough I would think.
i would prefer to use it to wash the silver crystals formed from the silver cell .
I've been using about 1 gallon of distiller water to clean up about 10 oz of dropped silver. So, 200 ozs = 20 gallons = $20. I could put a large funnel on top of a 5 gallon can and catch quite a bit of water. I do have a small water pump to put it through a filter to another 5 gallon can. I wouldn't want to use runoff water from an asphalt roof. The ph of rainwater where I live (west of Houston) is generally about 4.5. Most of the pollution around here is to the east and storms generally come in from the west. Just a thought.........


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