Reagent Grade HCL From Muriatic acid Bought from lowes

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
Ok I found a neat little trick on youtube by the Home Scientist. Where he simply uses 3 containers 2 smaller ones that will fit into the 3rd bigger one. He measures out equal amounts of distilled water for one of containers and equal amounts of muratic for the other container. the 2 smaller containers have been placed in the 3rd larger container. only the 3rd larger container has a lid. leaving it setting for a couple of weeks. The Hcl from the Muriatic evaporates and is reasorbed in the distilled water. The Video is even Better..

Problem: Muratic from lowes almost always has a lite yellow tint from our lowes, I have read that It is possible iron contamination?

I was looking at his vid, for possible using the reagent grade for making my stanious. Its only going be half as strong? correct? Is thier any problem with that...
Actually there really is no problem, for our purposes here, using Muriatic acid, however it is, at least where I live, the same price. Matter of fact I can purchase 2 gallons of 30+% Hydrochloric Acid at my local pool supply store for less than what Lowes sells their 2 gallons, which is only 16%. You might want to check out your local pool supply store, lots of interesting things they have. If you are familiar with chemistry and understand how to use them properly, there are some other things at pool supply stores that you can use for gold refining.

Hi SBrown, I have been buying the Crown Baume 31.45% with the Blue Label. The only problem Is I can only remember only one time, that the acid I bought was actually clear... So If I started with the 31.45% Muriatic and the Distilled water in equal amounts. The acid would equalize and be 15.725% in both containers. Is that correct? They sell this same acid for the pools not packaged seperately where I live. Will I get the same response from the Stanious Chloride with the 15.725%?
muriatic acid has a trace amount of impurities. thats what stains it yellow. this is what ive always used and have never had an issue with it before.
Hi Geo, you use this for making your Stanious Chloride too ? I though that the even the lite yellow tint might lead me to a false postive. Since I'm new at this and still getting comfortable with this...? Thanks again for the post...

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