Recovering your iodine after leaching

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2009
Perhaps a Gold Refining Forum member can help.

I have experimeted with a number of Leaching methods to recover PM's. Iodine,Chlorine (CLS), and also the Swan Leach (Salt water and nitric). By far the iodine leach seemed to be the most effective; keeping it red brown, then adjusting the pH to seven to precipitate the metals. The late Mr Williams gave a detailed account.

What I would like to know is how do you recover your iodine. It is said add an excess of clorox which will settle to the bottom as a blue precipiutate (for the want of a better word) then add Lye to bring it back up again to reuse.

I have made my own clorox and tried this (Williams procedure) with no result. Nothing fell to the bottom. Could it be that I have used up all of the iodine? Therefore nothing to recover by bringing it back with lye.

Apart from Clorox another member suggested Hydrogen Peroxide to recover the iodine? Has anyone heard of this?

A lot of Forum members are very knoweledgeable in respect of chemistry and chemical equations. I have an ORP and pH meter.

Thank you.

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