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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Hay guys and gals
I have a friend who started this hobby with, whom I have
separated from
He is doing a process that I'm not sure about
He's nitric acid the whole board than dropping a magnet
In to collect all the iron than he decantes ,filters ,collects
His gold and smelts with a
other than not retaining values and getting crappy impure
returns is this OK
any thought and any ideas on making his process a little better
other than not retaining values and getting crappy impure
returns is this OK

Sure, it's perfect for losing values and getting crappy returns, although he could get even worse returns by, say, dropping some nails or stones or bottle caps into his acid solution or peeing into it.

There is no substitute for knowing what you are doing. There is no way to obtain the knowledge of what you are doing other than by studying the proven methods. Some questions can be answered second-hand. But it has been proven 100% of the time that successful results do not come accidentally or by luck. Nobody would invest the money nor time to learn and then perform the procedures properly if they could get away with less. But they can't. You can't either. Your friend can't either.
tin in nitric acid is nasty stuff. metastannic acid is a gelatinous mass that will trap values and make refining a nightmare. it has to be incinerated and then dissolved in hcl acid to remove it. consequences of adding solder to nitric acid.
How is he dealing with his waste?
It is probably loaded with values.
He may soon end up in the hospital if he is breathing these fumes from smelting.
Maybe you should contact him and warn him of the dangers.
But to do this you must learn the dangers, before you can advise him of them
And if your asking questions like this I suspect you’re not that far yet.
High on anyone's priority list learning this trade should be learning safety and dealing with waste, but many people get gold fever and just try to skip that part, these people may end up with much more complicated symptoms than just a fever, they can end up six foot under the dirt much earlier in life.
Sad thing is they may never recover enough gold in their life to cover the funeral cost.
OK I thought we were past all this.I can't really. Say more than a page due to my phone but I will say afull page now. I have repeatedly explained to him all of the above he will continue with out my help he has read and learned all the dangers he has all the sa ftey equipment. He is an adult he has and will have much nitric and will use it properly he is the reason I started practicing safety he is the reason I started the a/p process. He gives his waste his girls natural father whom takes it to work at a plating company
I don't agree with his process I do only what you. Guys say I should not have to repeat this I understand the protocols employed. On this form and follow them as closely as possible
this is why I ask I have no knowledge because it is not taught on this form I only know what I ha e and will learn on this form if and there is most likely not a post or link on this form to answer my question please point if you look at my previous posts and I know you have you would know I follow proper procedure
Now with all that said I figure at least he would stay away from aqua Regis which he also has knowledge of
this is why I did nit want to ask this which has been a question for quit a long time. If I come off upset it is not at anyone here but at my friend for getting me to ask

Thanks steyr223
Your friend would be far better off selling the boards and buying gold. If he is paying for the boards, well then he should use that money to buy gold with. If he really feels the need to continue with this hobby, then he should study to make it a safe and profitable hobby. If he concentrates on accumulating material to process while learning how to do that, then his gold will still be there when he is ready.

My reply was not only directed at you, and your friend, but I was also using your question to try and get other new members (many with gold fever and no knowledge or thought of learning the dangers involved)to think about reading and studying the safe way to handle this craft, I am sure you will and are doing your home work.
Hopefully your old friend will come to his senses too.
To me learning and working safely and treating waste properly is more important than scrapping a few grams of gold, I did not mean to raise any of your feathers. :lol:
Thank Jim
my friend is a licensed contractor and makes plenty of money
he not interested inprofit he has gold fever in a different
way he loves the shiny shiny gold
I feel like l have been put on the chopping block
By a,
Come on, chopping block? no way, sorry if my fingers typing words make you feel that way.
you just cant see my face, so you are getting the wrong message, I just want to see you and others put out some pretty gold to put in your pocket and do it safely so you can enjoy it. :lol:
Butcher is just doing what most members would do and trying to make sure that all our readers understand the dangers and don't put themselves, family, neighbours or the environment at risk...
As has been stated far too many times to be remembered no gold is worth your health or that of your family.
steyr223 said:
I feel like l have been put on the chopping block
By a,
Don't feel that way. Instead, be thankful that the truth has been presented. Think of it this way. A new guy picks up on this thread somewhere away from the beginning. He reads enough to get a thought, but not enough to understand that what has been discussed is not recommended. Butcher has provided a valuable service in making a point of the entire issue. He may damned well save some poor unsuspecting sap from doing something stupid.

It has been our policy on this forum, right from its inception--to never allow poor information to stand uncontested. It should always be discussed, then dismissed when that is the appropriate resolution. Just consider yourself lucky that you understand the difference between what your acquaintance is doing, and what is acceptable. In the long term, you will achieve better results, and remain safe in the process.

Thanks Harold and butcher
I do understand
And the chopping block was supposed to be a joke
With like 3 smiley facees after, but
my phone wont let me maybe I could just start coding
Them in
And Harold I have. Already Passed him in knowledge
And product of this wonderful. Hobby

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