Recycling gold from old electronic components with Aquaregia

Gold Refining Forum

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Jan 4, 2013

I need some help for process with aqua regia to get with it a pure gold. We tried method in this way....

We made aqua regia with HCl and HNO3. Mixture was 1:3. We put old cpu inside and when the process was finished we put inside some magnesium. When it was processing, we saw some pouder on the bottom. It looked like it was gold. Then we try to filter all that stuff, but we didn't make it. Was the process wrong at the begining or did we failed with filitering it? Please help me. If you can, please write tutorial. For now I have gas masks, gloves, glass jars, HNO3, HCL, H202, magnesium, and i make aqua regia by my self.. bye, thank for all your help! ROK
Alien_Art_86 said:

I need some help for process with aqua regia to get with it a pure gold. We tried method in this way....

We made aqua regia with HCl and HNO3. Mixture was 1:3. We put old cpu inside and when the process was finished we put inside some magnesium. When it was processing, we saw some pouder on the bottom. It looked like it was gold. Then we try to filter all that stuff, but we didn't make it. Was the process wrong at the begining or did we failed with filitering it? Please help me. If you can, please write tutorial. For now I have gas masks, gloves, glass jars, HNO3, HCL, H202, magnesium, and i make aqua regia by my self.. bye, thank for all your help! ROK
The way you wrote it, it sounds like the aqua regia was made backwards. It should be 3 parts HCl and 1 part HNO3.

Magnesium is near the top of the electromotive series and would therefore cement all of the metals you dissolved - gold, copper, nickel, iron, etc. To selectively cement only the gold and other precious metals, copper metal is the best choice.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.b2I&fp=6de57c1e4105a628
hello , im pat, i was reading your post. just wondering how you did, im in the same position, ive bought all the supplies , for the process, and safety. been doing alot of reading, on processes, and just started on this site. anyway, so hows it coming. pat
Hi PAt :)! I think that we just got to make it :).... You should try to find some webpages that sells video tutorials... You got a lot of video cut from them on youtube. They don't want to give a whole video. So I think you should contact them. I did it. Now I am waiting fro them to answer me... BYe

And you who wants to sell me some info for 35 $? Do you have any video instruction how to use acid in a right way to get out the gold and other precious metal from old electronci components like computers and phones? If you have I am, I should say we are interested! I am not a alone, a few friends are with me. So if you have a good tutorial, I'll pay you! OK? BYE; ROK.
The forum is a self help one, we don't hold your hand through the processes and methods but they are all here you just have to read and learn. If you want videos try our own lazersteves site he has some excellent ones for sale. Have you taken the guided tour in the forum, if not do so, read C.M.Hoke available as free download off many members signature lines and learn how to use the search function, top right of your screen, most questions you have have been discussed many times and in depth.
Sam, a member, has several good videos on his website. A couple are on CPUs. Lots on youtube but you'll have to search. Most of the better ones there were done by our forum members.
Are you all supposed to tell newbies to read Hoke's book and study here on the forum to properly get detailed instructions on how to do this right?...
I watched a guy once so no I'm a professionato...
Pantherlikher said:
Are you all supposed to tell newbies to read Hoke's book and study here on the forum to properly get detailed instructions on how to do this right?...
I watched a guy once so no I'm a professionato...
Pay strict attention to what I'm going to say.

Refining requires that you have a basic understanding of the process. By reading Hoke's book, and studying the forum, you will become familiar with the processes involved. If you are NOT familiar with these processes, no one on this forum will hold your hand, spoon feeding you. We fully expect that you will do your part and get the basic education needed to enjoy success. If you are unwilling to do so, your stay here will be VERY brief.

Do not make demands of readers to take the time to write instructions for you when they have been written time and again, and are already on this board. All you need do is read, as you've been instructed.

You appear to have an entitlement attitude. Lose it, and do so quickly.

You will not learn what you need to know by watching a few videos, recovery and refining cannot be taught by answering a few questions, there are too many things you will need to learn, and with every material there are many variables, electronic scrap has its own special problems.

Hoke's book will take you through the process you will need to understand, the experiments in the book will teach you how metals and acids work, it will teach you how to test for metals dissolved in acids, from these you can learn how to deal with problems, the book is for jewelers scrap, but is beneficial in learning any type of recovery or refining from ore, electronics to metals, it gives a basic understanding of the principles involved.

The Forum adds to the knowledge you will gain from Hokes book, it will add small details like using aqua regia with minimum nitric, or how to eliminate free nitric from solution using gold, the many posts made by the professionals who learned from experience teach us many tricks, the forum is just a gold mine of information, members are eager to help anyone wishing to learn if they see the member is working to learn, and gaining enough understanding through his study's to even understand what is being said.

The forum also teaches many processes you will not find in Hoke's book, work arounds, from making your own chemicals to using common things you find at a hardware store to recover and refine precious metals.

There is too much to learn when you begin for someone to write you instructions, they would have to write a book, well the book is already written, better than most any of us here could write it (Hoke's book), it is also offered here on the forum as a free download.

Personally I feel if you do not understand how to deal with waste, or understand the safety aspects, you should not even begin to mix any acid and metals, this should be at the top of your list of things to study, read the safety section and dealing with waste, the fumes and waste can kill you or others around you, you cannot just dump poison’s and expect you will not harm someone.

We will help you learn, but you will also have to study to learn.

Once you spend some time studying you will begin to realize what we are talking about and how hard it would be to answer the questions you are asking now, and there is no simple answer to how do I recover and refine precious metals from scrap.

You must study hard to gain that kind of knowledge, nobody can give it to you, but they can help you along the way, and provide you with information, that is where you will find this forum a gold mine.
Hi... Thanks for all your precious time :) I have to say, that at first I was really too much euphoric :).. I had already download the Hook's book :) And I looked to find some easier way, but now i realized, that you wish me all the best. So I will print Hook's book by myself and I will study it :) Maybe I will have some problems with some specific English words, but I will make it trough :) Is Hook's book enough to start some process of gold recycling? :) Thank for all your help :) I will print whole book, business can wait a little bit :) hahaha... BYE, Rok.
Rok it's really good to read. I didn't understand a lot of it at first but the guys here really ARE willing to help. All they ask is that you do some of the legwork yourself as well, which is fair enough!

Good luck learning and see you here soon.

Kind Regards

Jon 8)
Alien_Art_86 said:
Hi... Thanks for all your precious time :) I have to say, that at first I was really too much euphoric :).. I had already download the Hook's book :) And I looked to find some easier way, but now i realized, that you wish me all the best.
That's correct. We do wish you the best, and that can come only if you understand the basics. We have a lot of trouble with entitlement minded people coming here and demanding to be told how to refine. It's just not that simple (nor do we work that way). You can almost liken it to asking someone to tell you how to play the piano, which is learned only with considerable effort, much the same as properly refining gold.

So I will print Hook's book by myself and I will study it :) Maybe I will have some problems with some specific English words, but I will make it trough :) Is Hook's book enough to start some process of gold recycling? :) Thank for all your help :) I will print whole book, business can wait a little bit :) hahaha... BYE, Rok.
That's the right attitude. 8) If you have trouble understanding what you read, ask on the forum. Make it clear that English is not your native language, and that you are reading Hoke to the best of your ability. None of us turn our backs on those who try to help themselves.

Welcome to the forum.

srlaulis said:
Mr. Harold, I bet you wish you had a dollar for every time you had to say that on this forum.

I'd be happy with a thin dime for every guy I've had to ban because of their respective attitudes, too! :lol:

Harold glad to see the motivation.
I wish I new that if all I had to do was get an attitude
to here your wise words,I would have done so
along time ago 8)

By the way, I am not 100% sure but this needs to
be said.
I believe pantherlikher was being fake on purpose
His words "I watched a Guy once now I'm a professional "
Are not by any means the words he has written in any
of his previous posts.
Ok I just search of all of his posts and now I am 100 percent
sure this is not the way he believes
Actually I would say he is one who has and is doing
exactly what the form (you're Harold) has asked,
anyways I wish you the best Harold.
Thanks Steyr223 rob

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