Refining e-Scrap

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Apr 9, 2011
I apologize in advance if this question is in the wrong area. I am also completely new at this.

Is it possible to refine e-scrap using this system on eBay:?

I have hundreds if not thousands of pounds of motherboards to process but I am not in a hurry. According to that listing it appears to be fairly simple. I need to remove the gold content from my product. However, it does not need to be pure, after recovery I will send it to a refinery to be processed and sold.

Thanks in advance for any help.
no toxic chemicals
- You will be able to receive 24K Gold purity (if necessary)
- 100% Gold return, no losses (even when you have no experience)

:lol: and I guess it will cook coffee, cleaning your rooms, wash your clothes, drive your children to school and produce electricity from free energy as well...

Read Hoke, read the forums guided tour and learn to do, what that machine promises. ...well, most of it -
no toxic chemicals
:lol: Otherwise, you can sell your boards to any refiner and you will get good money for them.

I am not in a hurry.
That's a good start.

According to that listing it appears to be fairly simple.
It is NOT.
wirelessdog said:
I have hundreds if not thousands of pounds of motherboards to process
Before you start on any 'path', you need to know from where you start.....

Also, you need to have an idea of just 'who you want to become' (i.e., 'where you are headed')....

Without those two, you are destined to sit and spin.....

There are many options on where you can take this material - one 'big picture' is "refining out all the gold", but that then opens up many possibilities itself. Here's a bit of info for you to consider;
1. doing it yourself (taking the time to learn how to do it RIGHT {NOT like the majority of hacksters selling their garbage on eBay, YouTube, etc.,} following time-tested methods as described in this forum - and still possibly not getting it right...)
2. having someone else refine it for you (which opens up the question of just who will do {and, rightfully be paid for the work} the strip-down to get the material ready to refine, etc.)
3. sell what you have as-is to someone (which opens up the question of if you want to sell for quick, guaranteed cash or take the longer path of selling a bit at a time {putting in more time and effort on your part} for the maximum cash out)

Well, that is a 'short list' - there's more to it than that, but it should help you get to thinking.

Note that each one is "RIGHT" and "BEST", depending on many factors in your own situation. There is no 'perfect' system, no guided plan already laid out, though you can make one that fits your situation, time, resources (including cash up front you want to invest), knowledge level, willingness to learn more, etc. That can be created through (did you already guess?) various options and methods, including reading everything on this forum, finding someone that will coach you (for free or for a fee - yes, other options that depend on how quickly you want to learn, cash on hand, etc.) and even just some trial-and-error.

I believe you are in the right place to get started and from above, you should have a good first few steps to get going. Once you figure out just where you are headed (and, do everyone a favor and figure out just what material you have and how many pounds!), you may just see the next step yourself. If not, find someone on this forum you respect (from reading many of their posts) and drop them a PM to ask next steps - or post your question publicly if you like (oh, just why are their always options????)

Finding your path is your challenge and if faced in the right light, you will also see it is fun!

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