Refining memory sticks

Gold Refining Forum

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Apr 5, 2012
First off, hello to all the great people of this forum..My name is charles
I have been studying as much of your topics as time will allow. from hokes to videos. THANKS TO ALL.
I have learned so much. I had no prior education with most of all that is talked about on this forum. started with just wanting gold off some free cpus I had through much trial and error and lots of wasted chemicals money and websites trying to sell me some aqua regia formula. I found you. and every question has been answered just by reading this forum/hokes. hope to become a valuable member myself ONE DAY.
now For my first question PLEASE GO EASY ON ME.

I got about 3 pounds of memory sticks ddr type.
I have recovered the fingers through Ap process.
Almost 1 gram. good or bad?? but now im trying to recover any other values, can anyone give me some advise on what other values and where on these chips to look.
was going to just start searching the forum but figured I would introduce myself.
Welcome to the forum Charles.

Is it something like this your asking about?
Our friend Patnor1011, put this together.

There are also other Ideas like our friend No Idea's Pyrolysis Techniques, his furnace and filter Idea's.

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