remove pins before dissolved?

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
hello my friends

1) 500ml (HN03) 2) 150ml (H20) mix together
3) 300g of pins (4 isa,4 pci, 50 ide ribbon connection ends, 30 ide board connections , bunch of jumpers and about 45 square inches 0f gold plated circuit boards with other side removed (except for some solder..yea i know)

added pins to 2 liter pepsi bottle (please dont do this still not sure if reaction will melt bottle, I was concerned enoghf to run a hose on the outside of bottle, to much work. wont attempt again)

added acid mix slowly. let sit for 2 hrs

am now heating in water in pot over hot plate with stand in pot so as not to touch bottom.

when i stir i notice a lot of black pins which i believe are depleted of gold plating

what is the practice here about removing them before there dissolved

also not to be negative but the solder ? should i expect to need a wash ,hot hcl wash, filter and incenerate

i should wait until i can actually see what it looks like hu

just not sure if solder is always 100% of the time a problem

thank you for the support and criticism to come :lol:
never go from nitric acid to hcl acid unless you intend to make AR because that is what will happen. you cant rinse or wash either acid from material, it must be incinerated to remove residual acid otherwise you will wind up with gold in solution without knowing it. it takes very little nitric acid to dissolve quite a bit of gold.once you start a dissolution with nitric you should proceed till all base metal has been dissolved, you cant filter the gold foils without catching the base metal in the filter. if you intend to dissolve your foils with hcl/cl be sure to incinerate the foils till they are a dull red. its not good practice to do so but you can dissolve the foils with a little base metal present, you just have to re-refine your gold and you should do this any way.
hay geo
i think u misunderstood

what i ment was if the pins are not completely dissolved what would you think
about removing them and discarding them since i believe if there not gold any more there no longer needed
being they are only plated

this is most likely way more work for someone comfortable with proper procedure
but i was concerned about the solder
and maybe the pins were based with some other nasty metals

O shoot
I am sorry i should tell you also what i plan to do not just what i did

A/R is what i will do next after the base metals are all dissolved and i siphon/decant wash with tap water
until clear correct?
seperating the foils from the undissolved base metal will be hard to do. not impossible but very tedious. you will have to work with the material in water and pick each peice of metal out individually careful not to pull the gold foil out. you can pull each peice out and put it in a different container of water and then repeat the process may get you closer to getting all the base metal out. the object of the process is to remove the base metal before dissolving the gold. like i said, not impossible, just tedious and time consuming.
ok thanks

your talking to a guy who just pulled about 5 thousand pins out 1 at a time from
circuit boards and you mention tedious

but now that i think about it i wont
i would rather follow normal procedure for this form
it's here for a reason

anyways my wheels never come out round, ever, ever :lol: :lol:

did you read my question from last night
here all just ask again

i have some books that need to be here and would like to give them to the form
i have no means to upload who do i talk to
remember my truck is gone no way to scrap= no money
unless i produce a nugget one of these days :)

thanks steyr223
Palladium would probably be the best person out of anyone on here.He has tons of books on Scribd.But I am not speaking for him,I'm just letting you know.
If pins are not completely dissolved you do not want to remove them, you want to dissolve all base metals away from your gold.

Tin in nitric may be your nightmare.

Remove all base metals before trying to dissolve the gold.

Aqua regia is usually much harder for the new members, HCl/bleach gives much less trouble.
thank you butcher

yes when i can afford to i will definitely do the shopping
My partner was dead set on aqua regia so he purchased the chemicals

the funny thing is all he's done is nitric bath decant and melt all the
crappy gold plated watches rings etc. together
but i have to admit he's getting 18k prices for his nuggets

i am in it more for the education and i guess you could say
having knowledge that 99% of the population doesn't have the slightest
clue about makes me feel all tingly inside

thank you

o by the way all post a report on my progress but most all pins are gone
except these huge ones i found in rs232 (one on each side of the pins) not the bolts

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