4metals said:
I aim for like 2-3 spoons volume and then AR and happy time.
Just to quantify things a bit, those 2-3 spoons of happy time will generate approximately how many grams of gold?
I am running 2 batches right now.
BGA N/S Bridge approx 4,5+kg and BGA IC from RAM approx 1,5+kg. Hard to say exactly but incinerated crushed and sieved powder filled small mayonnaise bucket which has capacity 6,5 liter. This was washed, then dried, crushed and all this repeated about 5-6 times. Every round will reduce starting material to about half - in first few cycles, then it slows to about 30-40% reduction from starting volume.
So I managed to reduce 6,5 liter bucket to about 6 full spoons of material which should contain about 30+grams of gold. It would be less but I did not removed solder balls from 1,5kg BGA RAM IC so I am washing it in HCl right now as crushing further become impossible due to solder balls. There is also some amount of copper wires present which remained stuck on black part of BGA when separated from green part. After I wash this solder out I expect to reduce this 6 spoons of concentrate to no more than 2.
Mixed IC with legs. All kind of types except eprom type. Amount is hard to estimate but it was over 10kg but I am shooting blank here it is just guess as it could be more. I was incinerating them in small batches over winter and then I crushed them, sieved several times to remove most of pins and stored this powder over time. I got 2 small 6,5 liter buckets full of it. Here I did the same as with BGA but I also sieved dried crushed material to catch some pins every time I repeated cycle. I do not have super fine sieve I use sieve with smallest holes I managed to find around so it take several runs to get most of pins out. Anyway I got about 90-95% pins out. At the end from what remained I removed some more pins with magnet. I reduced this 2 bucket to about only 3 spoons of material which is mostly small glass balls from broken Si wafers and small amount of pins. All that sit now in HCl to remove base metals. I will not be crushing this further as there is only Si wafers and pretty much no carbon left so it should be good to go to AR. I expect at least 10g of gold there.
I understand that it may look too labor or time intensive but it is a hobby for me and I simply enjoy that. When I wash I pour water in bucket with powder, stir and let it settle for a 45 sec - minute. Then I decant 75% of water and pour in fresh. I may be crazy but I pour this wash water in special tank where it settle and I take out settled powder only to run it again in one of my sluices. I just go that extra mile to ensure I am not losing any of the good stuff. I also reuse the same water after washed material settle on bottom. I do this like that few years already and I know that there is no gold escaping but I somehow cant help myself and I check everything not twice but several times.
Sometimes I do use my sluice with closed circuit of water to wash out first finest ash/powder but only when weather is nice so I can run it few hours. Weather is unpredictable in Ireland, I mean it is raining always and it is hard to predict what day there will be no rain and for how long. You get sun out and it change in 10 minutes to heavy rain and that can happen several times during the day. Here is short video of one sluice at work:
Perhaps one few hour long run in good ball mill will be enough but I do not have one so I do have to resort to repeating crush/wash/dry cycles.