Required pH

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
Titusville, Pa
I know that each metal in solution will fall out of solution if the pH of the solution is adjusted to a specified level. Does anyone know where I can obtain a list of those pH levels for specific metals.

It occurred to me that we might be able to extract specific metals ((copper, etc....) by simply adjusting the pH of our solution. If done in the proper sequence we might be able to obtain very clean metals that way and make our operations more profitable.

Thanks all
I was, and am, under the impression that different metals precipitate out of any given solution at different ph's.

On the other hand, different solutions can have different properties that , can change this a little.

Sometimes, metals can get dragged down by other metals as well as cemented out.

I guess if your solutions are pure or, at least you know what they contain, this can be avoided.

I have had metals that precipitated down, to then be redissolved by the solution, even when the ph hasn't changed.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
