reverse electro plating pentium pro cpu

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New member
May 19, 2015
ok i only 3 days new to this so please don't go over my head.

Things i have.
100 pentium pro cpu's
7ltr Glass Jar
Wireform Impression Mesh Copper 16x20
15V 2A Adjustable Variable DC Power Supply
Stainless Steel Round Bar

My questions to ask can i Reverse electroplate gold and silver from pentium pro cpu's ?
Do i use sulfuric acid ?
Will the gold stick to the Stainless Steel Round Bar ?
To do much of anything we do it will take study.
In my opinion that is the first thing anyone wishing to learn should do.

To use electrolysis to strip or dissolve metals, you need an electrical contact from the power supply to the metal being stripped, any piece of metal that does not make contact will not give up its electrons.

Making electrical contact to each pin and the metal parts or bonding wire inside a CPU, would be a difficult challenge.

Study how others recover gold from the type of material you have, study the processes, study the safety and dealing with waste.

Basically with study and educating ourselves is where we get our gold.

You are gathering things to work with before you even have an idea of what you need or how to use them, that sounds like putting your cart before the horse, That does not make to much sense.

Putting study before your shopping cart will get you further, and cost you less, and can save you a lot of cents.

Study now, and save your material, and you will not loose your gold, jump in before you gain an understanding is a sure way to loose gold.
these are just some of the things i have in house i thought i could use. but if not its ok.. thought it might be faster then acid wash barth.
You will find many things you may already have around the house may come in handy.
For recovery and refining Hoke's book is one of the best things to have around the house, that and the forum you have what you need to begin.

I am not trying to discourage you, I am actually trying to help you get to that gold.

You have some good material to get gold from.
May I suggest you save the good stuff to work with later, after you gain some experience.
Trying to learn and beginning recovery and refining is not as easy as you think, it can be easy to loose gold in the processes, especially when you first begin.

I know I had some good material when I started learning, and I regretted that I did not save it until I had some experience.
so what if i heat up the cpu's and tap the gold into a plate?
or AR wash broken cpu's and refine that way?
Would i be on the right parth so far..
The process for treating ceramic CPUs is here on the forum use the search function top right of your screen.
Butcher is right slow down and do some reading, you have some good material to work with but if you don't understand the processes you will lose your gold. If instead you keep your material and learn your experience will be much more pleasant and the rewards much bigger, the first button you produce should be a nice size 8)
Butcher & Nick Are right in what they are telling you when they tell you need to slow down & take some time to do your own research to find the answers to your questions

Those of us that are "active" members have answered questions like yours many, many times before which means that just about anything & everything you need to &/or want to know about the recovery & refining of precious metals is already posted here on this forum --- you have a "huge" data base of info available to you here & its all free & at your finger tips (type key search words into search function) so let you fingers do the walking

Please understand we are not putting you off - its just that some of us (the "active" members) have already put countless hours into posting info about this in order to make this forum "the worlds best" source of info & we have our own busy lives to live - we are not here to be every new members personal consultant - we have already done our job by putting in countless hours to provide a vast data base of info - it is now your job to take advantage of that info by doing some of your own research

Then - if you don't quite understand something &/or you want to confirm that you understand a process correctly - that is the time for you to start asking questions & we will be more then glad to help you

A good place for you to start is here :arrow:

In the above link you will see a down load for a book by C.M. Hokes in Dave's signature line (FrugaRefiner) its at "the bottom" of all of his posts - this book is a "must read" for ALL new members

Trust me when I tell you this is not a simple ask a few questions - get a few answers - kind of thing to learn --- I have been at this for over 4 years now & I am still doing research about it almost every day --- you need to learn about #1) safety #2) waste treatment & disposal #3) pre-treatment of material "before" processing for the PMs #4) base metals & how they react to different acids & the problems they "will" cause if not dealt with in the right why/order #5) different methods to process different material &/or different methods to process the same material - & I have just scratched the surface on what you need to know about doing this if you want to get real results & do so safely --- there are "many" dangers in doing this - & that is the most important thing you NEED TO KNOW :!:

Research - study & learn that before you start processing anything - or you may end up wishing you had never heard of recovering gold from scrap electronics


kurtak, posted while I was writing this, his advice is right on, he did not even scratch the surface of what all we need to learn, but did a good job of explaining some of the basics of where to start.

Look at recovery and refining as a professional skill that will take time to learn, not just something you can learn a little about and be able to do, this is something that requires you to invest a lot of time in learning. like other professional skills that can be a lifetime of learning experiences to be able to get good at, and continue to get better at, as you learn more and practice the skills you learn.

Start by learning the basic principles, Hoke's Book will introduce you to these and the basic chemistry.

Start with an easy material to work with, something like karat gold, or memory fingers, with only a few metals to deal with. learn the processes to recover values from that material, and the processes to refine the values you recover.

The most important thing you should learn first, is the dangers involved, and the safety of working with the different processes, and dealing with the toxic substances produced from those processes.

If you just want some gold from those Pentium pro's trade them for a button of gold.

If you want to learn to recover precious metals and become a gold refiner, invest your time in studying to learn the skill to be able to recover and refine precious metals from all kinds of waste materials.
Here's a link to a large thread (which you could easily find by doing a simple search) explaining our combined thoughts on processing ceramic CPU's.
You do have slightly over 1 oz of gold in 100 ppro. There is no need to rush in recovery. If you just jump in chemistry side of things without full and complete understanding of what you are doing and what may go wrong you will struggle to recover it all.

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