Safety Data Sheets and composition of trade named chemicals

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New member
Feb 2, 2014
Many companies are selling specialty chemicals under their Trade Names, without disclosing the chemical composition of this chemicals.
As an end user of these specialties, I am very reluctant in using them, without knowing what I am using.
As all chemicals have to be registered, can you inform on research engines, probably from official registration agencies, where I can check the chemical composition of these
trade named products?
Have you tried to ask those companies directly? At least here in Germany they HAVE to provide those informations.
Sometimes you can get clues from the MSDS, or you can get a good idea of what the chemical is by how it reacts, in recovery or refining this normally limits the chemical to just a few possibilities, patents can also be a source of information, and then there is testing for inorganic chemistry we can test for cations or anions to determine what we have.

In the field of work of recovery and refining knowing the processes and chemicals used you do not even need to worry about company's selling propriety chemicals, or have to rely on them to get the job done, they normally do not have anything new, they are just renaming the old common chemicals and selling them as a special chemical that only they sell, when you understand what they are doing , and understand the chemistry of recovery and refining metals, you can do the same thing with common chemicals.
And it's even harder for us to give you information when we don't know what you have. Maybe this link can help.

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