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I'm seeing that I can get to the same place with both methods. But now I'm more scared of H2SO4 than I was before 🤣
Anyone else using a stone bowl like Trinity is?
In the video he explains why he uses the stone bowl. It with stands heat better.

A good quality glassware will as well. He even mentions it in the video.

The simple things in many of the videos on YouTube are not the simple things. They are the key points many beginners miss or shrug off as not being important. This is why it is not recommended to experiment but follow and learn well tested methods first. Here is a great example. Why not ask these questions of the person you are wishing to follow? Why do so many come here from YouTube asking for help?

Easy answer. They won’t help you. They are after the easy money from the videos views.
In the video he explains why he uses the stone bowl. It with stands heat better.

A good quality glassware will as well. He even mentions it in the video.

The simple things in many of the videos on YouTube are not the simple things. They are the key points many beginners miss or shrug off as not being important. This is why it is not recommended to experiment but follow and learn well tested methods first. Here is a great example. Why not ask these questions of the person you are wishing to follow? Why do so many come here from YouTube asking for help?

Easy answer. They won’t help you. They are after the easy money from the videos views.
I also am watching how 999 Dusan did it in his videos.
I'm seeing that I can get to the same place with both methods. But now I'm more scared of H2SO4 than I was before 🤣
Fear is a lack of knowledge. I use sulfuric very often and I am not afraid of it. Fear leads to mistakes. I do have a very healthy respect for it and take extra precautions with it. Each acid has it's own reactions and requires understanding individually in order to be best prepared to use it safely. Mix them and get another reaction, needing even more understanding. There are no short cuts, there is no easy way. I come here multiply times a day, not so much to help someone else, but to learn more for myself. I am sure someone can help out because I don't recall who said it, but "the more I learn the more I realize how little I know". (That is how I recall it anyway.)

I do not mean to offend anyone who works at making and posting their videos. I have a variety of videos posted on three different venues, on three very different subjects. It takes a lot of effort to make a decent video, and I have learned much from them. Even more after starting to understand how and why things were being done the way they were.
Well, not exactly the same, but I've posted this a few times.

I call it the "Stages of Learning".

At first, you read a little and it seems to be simple and make sense.

As you read more, you start to see other processes, and conflicting information. There's so much new information, it can get very confusing.

As you continue, you're able to sort out the conflicting information, and it starts to make sense.

After much study you'll start to feel like you're really getting a handle on it all. You can answer most questions on the forum.

Then you read a post from Lou, and you realize how much you still don't know.

The leading member on PGMs.
He has forgotten more about PGMs than I have ever learned ;)
Or maybe he hasn't forgotten anything at all:)
There is many ways of separating and sorting materials, the best method for one type of material may not be the best for others.
For instance magnets may be used to sort iron scrap from ground up electronics.
Or to remove some iron/magnetite from crushed ores.
It all depends on the feed stock.
Wow, who is Lou you guys?!
Lou is one of those who, if he doesn’t know it, it most likely has nothing to do with refining.

Years ago there was a stock market guy named E.F. Hutton. His commercial was “when E.F. Hutton speaks everyone listens”. Lou is one of the E.F. Hutton’s of GRF.