Scrapping computers

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Apr 16, 2012
Is it possible to make a decent profit scrapping computers? I'm trying to do some maths on this (working out all my costs, time etc), but I have no idea how much scrap value is in an average computer. From what I've read on this forum and the wider internet, values seem to vary massively, which leads me to believe there is a lot "BS" floating around this subject.

My thoughts are to offer a free collection service for unwanted computers and other electrical appliances (DVD players, printers and the like). I would then scrap them and seperate the different metals (copper, steel, aluminium) and precious metal bearing parts (processors, RAM, boards). I would sell the bulky items to a local scrap yard and sell the precious metal bearing items on ebay or to a specialist buyer.

I think this would be a good time for me to start this, because the local councils recycling depot has just closed down, and it had a section for old electrical stuff that always seemed to be packed up. I guess that leaves a gap in the market for someone to collect it all.

The missing information, is actually how much scrap is contained in an average computer? I can find values for processors and RAM etc, but these are in lb, and I have no idea how many computers would have to be scrapped to get a lb. Also, I can't find much on the value of copper and aluminium in computers. I have used the search feature and can't find anything definitive on this subject, so appologies if this has been covered before but I can't find anything.

On a small scale there are far too many variables, you might be able to get a better number the more items you use for the sample, but even still, too many variables, way too many.


Brand of computer
Year it was made
Country it was made in
Country it's parts were made in
Type of gold or other precious metal plating
Wear and use

And the list goes on and on and on, then there are the other variables, how much your equipment costs to process, including the consumables. There there is the process you choose to use to recover the precious metals, then another process to refine it. Then there is who you are going to sell your scrap to, and how much they will pay you for it. The value in a single computer varies greatly, specially the cheaper ones.

What I usually try to d is this, find someone who is doing what you want to do, and there are a lot of small and large places doing what you are talking about, and benchmark against them. Study what they do and how, even down to their prices. If you cannot do things better than they do, then you need to increase what you would pay for the items accordingly, if they are picking up their scrap for free, then you need to offer something more so customers will use you first. Find someone that does what you want to do, and do it better.

I will tell you this though, if you do it right you can make a living scraping electronics. I was doing so until I started moving towards recovering and refining myself. And I moved their from the computer field. Go figure, from Wan Manager, to Scraping computers, and now recovering and refining precious metal. Another thing you might want to do is find a job with a local recycle company so you can learn the business from the inside out.

These are just my suggestions, there are a thousand different paths to doing what you want to do, and all of them are right for whoever is using them.

Thanks for the quick reply Scot.

I looked into refining and decided it wasn't for me, at this time anyway. Way too much work to do to make a profit on a small scale, and dangerous too. I'm talking about just scrapping computers and doing no other processing - simply seperating them into their different components.

I know there are quite a few big companies that do this in the UK, but I am not aware of any on a local scale that offer what I would (i.e. free pickup on a small scale). I have a full time job that I have no intention of leaving, but I am looking for a second income that will be worth my time and effort. Do you have any information on the range of values of computers? I.e. from X amount to Y amount?


The problem is going to be valuating how much a computer is worth to you, to process, not what values the computer actually holds. There is no average. Even different CPU's of the same name have small differences because of cache etc. When you start getting into the older computers, because of the way they were sold, they are often times configured totally different and that can make a huge difference in the amount of material in the computer that will be worth recovering.

This all could be as easy as checking prices on eBay, or calling your local recycling company close to you and finding out how much they will pay, or combine both, you don't want to auction low grade boards, but you don't want to recycle material that you can recover precious metals from. Once you know where you are going to sell your scrap, then you know how you can even begin to figure out how much you can get from an average computer.

I live close to Silicon Valley in Ca, there is a lot of IT waste as well as I-Waste in the area. When I was doing it, I could buy pins as industrial waste, and sell in lots of 1 lb each and make a 100% return doing it. My customer was happy, and I made a little so I was happy, and everyone makes a little off the deal. You may want to consider trying to find those people whom the company close to you dealt with, there may be some very good I-Waste opportunities you can take advantage of.

If you are doing this as a second income, then you might want to just purchase the material and simply do it in your free time. That's how I started. Then when you collect so many pins, you can sell them on eBay or someone local. When you collect so much whatever, you can turn it in. Nature will take it's natural course, you will get gold fever, and soon you will be honing your buying skills purchasing only those items you can turn a profit on in the time you would like it to, with the amount of work and effort you invest in it. For me it was pins, hard to process if you don't know the little tricks, but you can make around $100 dollars per lb. Or more if they are military, old, from medical equipment, etc. You might find a customer that wants to do repeat business with you because the whatever you sent him looked so clean it made his job easier, and now he's willing to pay a little more, so then you focus on that.

I know I am giving you a lot to consider, and possibly nothing new at all. Only my thoughts. An average price on a computer to sell for scrap? I wouldn't pay more than 5 dollars per computer, specially if they are after 2000, the technology changed and the gold layer on the connecters is laid down super super ultra thin. Before then, it all depends on the year it was made, the company, the type of CPU, for example: if it's a Pentium Pro or a Celeron. A single Pentium Pro CPU will bring around $45 on eBay, where a Celeron will bring you nothing, so now one computer is worth $45 more than another.

I hope you see my point, so far as I can tell, trying to figure out an average profit per computer is really not possible, it's something you can judge and sometimes you are wrong, a lot of it is speculative, and there is so little written about it that it makes it very difficult to find any information. But you have every cheese ball get-rich-quick scheme artist attempting to sell you their perfect formula for making money in this type of business, and they probably got what little real information they have, right here on this forum somewhere.

If it was me, I wouldn't worry about what the average computer can yield, I would get some, break them down, and figure out if I even liked doing it. There are some okay video's on youtube about it, that you can kinda use as a guide for what to look for.

I hope I am not offending you, I was just thinking about this, you probably have already watched the video's and know what you want to do. Very simply, you cannot tell how much is in computers, in general, only individual types built specific years, etc.

Good luck, you seem tenacious though, I doubt you are going to let anything hold you back. :mrgreen:
Dave86 said:
I think this would be a good time for me to start this, because the local councils recycling depot has just closed down, and it had a section for old electrical stuff that always seemed to be packed up. I guess that leaves a gap in the market for someone to collect it all.

if nobody does it in a 50 mile radius ,go for it that a good idea

SBrown said:
What I usually try to d is this, find someone who is doing what you want to do, and there are a lot of small and large places doing what you are talking about, and benchmark against them. Study what they do and how, even down to their prices. If you cannot do things better than they do, then you need to increase what you would pay for the items accordingly, if they are picking up their scrap for free, then you need to offer something more so customers will use you first. Find someone that does what you want to do, and do it better.

if i was to speak freely about what i just read ,everything that i would say would be bad, so i will filter what i have to say...

no dont go spying on other cie ,it is legaly a crime and it make you moraly a peace of shit...
find yourself some fresh idea and not just thinking first degree as in : other do it so i will do it too...
ericrm said:
SBrown said:
What I usually try to d is this, find someone who is doing what you want to do, and there are a lot of small and large places doing what you are talking about, and benchmark against them. Study what they do and how, even down to their prices. If you cannot do things better than they do, then you need to increase what you would pay for the items accordingly, if they are picking up their scrap for free, then you need to offer something more so customers will use you first. Find someone that does what you want to do, and do it better.

if i was to speak freely about what i just read ,everything that i would say would be bad, so i will filter what i have to say...

no dont go spying on other cie ,it is legaly a crime and it make you moraly a peace of shit...
find yourself some fresh idea and not just thinking first degree as in : other do it so i will do it too...

I am going to try and answer this, so that I clarify for you exactly what I was suggesting. Obviously you think that I am suggestion something that is either not moral, or against the law, and that's simply just not true at all, couldn't be further from the truth in fact.

SPYING is the act of subterfuge, there is no subterfuge in what I am suggesting.

If you have been in business for any length of time, or studied business at all, or have a business degree from an accredited college, you will understand what I tried to explain above. Benchmarking against someone that is doing the very best in the industry is what all businesses do, matter of fact you can benchmark against someone and not even be in the same business. Let me give you an example.

JIT = Just In Time. It has been used all through history but did not become a catch term for business until around 2000. And since it's been employed all over the world as a sound business concept. "Just In Time" means that you keep no physical stock in your warehouse, but rather order and replenish straight from the manufacturer when needed. That way you don't have money tied up in inventory, and you can open more stores, expand faster, etc. JIT was a concept that originally was dreamed up by a large retailer, however it's been adopted by just about all major retailers. So if I was selling plants, and I learned that a retailer who sold tools was using JIT, then I would BENCHMARK against him, he's doing things better. Benchmarking really means looking at another business, comparing to your own, and finding out how you can do your own better.

FORD in the 1920s, figured out a new management style, that is still used today. Nobody stole from them, nobody spyed or did anything illegal, yet the concept is sound and almost everyone has adopted it and uses that management style today.

Matter of fact, doing things better than competitors is exactly what good business is all about, it's the basic fundamental concept of a free market.

Now, if I were to suggest that he work for a company and not just learn about scraping from them, but then went into their records late one night, and steal their customers contact information, that is something totally different, that is spying, and that is illegal not to mention morally wrong.

If you cannot separate common business practice from theft, then I suggest you do yourself a favor and read some books or takes some classes in the subject before you post a nasty message in regards to something you don't know enough to comment on.

I would prefer you apologize in the thread, I will do so if I am out of line, or wrong in some way so I would prefer it if you do the same.
i think i understand
you took personnaly an opinion of mine that wasent directed at you personnaly.

i will not change my mind about the fact that going in other cie to work to learn and steal theyr process and knowledge(that they have taken years to discover, made that person a (put insult here).

i know that it is a commun practice and it make me mad to think that i will train someone just so he can take advantage of me,and stick a knif in my back as soon as he can.
it piss me off to see poeple dont even realize that there is a minimum amount of client needed to make a business healty,and when to much poeple get in the same line (rather that find there own new way) each time a price war come in and both loose or barely survive.
I feel confident, that if you understood what I was trying to express you would not be upset at all. Working for someone, and learning from them, is called being an "APPRENTICE" another method of learning far older than any other. If you want to keep the way you do things, all proprietary, then you can always patent the business model or procedure, so that it cannot be used by anyone else unless you are paid a royalty. I used to make the Nicoderm Patch, and this was the case with that as well. You can hold a patent for 7 years, before it is legal for someone else to use it. When the 7 years was up for the design of the Nicoderm Patch, ALZA, now owned by Johnson & Johnson then applied for a patent to protect their process, and another to protect the proprietary plastics used in making the patch, thus protecting themselves for a longer period of time. However, after their patents are up, anyone can use the same process, legally, without any moral obligations or issues.

Again, you do not understand enough to even know you are wrong in your argument. You don't even know enough to understand that you made a personal attack on myself:

ericrm said:
if i was to speak freely about what i just read ,everything that i would say would be bad, so i will filter what i have to say...

This sounds like you want to say something you consider bad, about my post, or what I have said. You are insinuating you want to insult me, personally

ericrm said:
no dont go spying on other cie ,it is legaly a crime and it make you moraly a peace of ****...

You are suggesting that I was suggesting the original poster do something legally, or morally, wrong. Then you go further to say that people who do that type of thing are morally a piece of ****. Another personal attack.

ericrm said:
you took personnaly an opinion of mine that wasent directed at you personnaly.

ericrm said:
if nobody does it in a 50 mile radius ,go for it that a good idea

SBrown wrote:
What I usually try to d is this, find someone who is doing what you want to do, and there are a lot of small and large places doing what you are talking about, and benchmark against them. Study what they do and how, even down to their prices. If you cannot do things better than they do, then you need to increase what you would pay for the items accordingly, if they are picking up their scrap for free, then you need to offer something more so customers will use you first. Find someone that does what you want to do, and do it better.

if i was to speak freely about what i just read ,everything that i would say would be bad, so i will filter what i have to say...

How else am I to take what you said? You directly quoted, then referenced what I suggested and then went further to say it was illegal and morally wrong, when neither was true.

ericrm said:
i will not change my mind about the fact that going in other cie to work to learn and steal theyr process and knowledge(that they have taken years to discover, made that person a (put insult here).

AGAIN you insinuate that what I suggested was stealing, and illegal, then you suggest that another insult is in order. Again, you are responding to me directly, how am I to take your insult, or your desire to insult?

ericrm said:
i know that it is a commun practice

If you know it's a common practice, then are you also saying that it's common for all these people practicing this are doing so outside the law, and that morally they are what you intended to insinuate you thought of me being?

ericrm said:
it make me mad to think that i will train someone just so he can take advantage of me

Did someone learn from you, and then rip you off? Did you come up with some process that you did not learn here, or from some book, or from someone giving you advice, then have someone steal it from you? What do you call proprietary advice freely given on this forum? Everything you have learned to process precious metals, you have learned from someone else. Are you saying that they should have kept that information to themselves, since it took them years and years and years to figure out the right way to do it? Do you think Hoke should have kept her information to herself?

ericrm said:
it piss me off to see poeple dont even realize that there is a minimum amount of client needed to make a business healty,and when to much poeple get in the same line (rather that find there own new way) each time a price war come in and both loose or barely survive.

It's called a "free market society", when someone does something better than you, and can do it for less, they deserve to be rewarded, and are. People will do business with them, before you, because they are doing business better. Are you trying to suggest that once you have a customer, that for someone else to bid, and beat your services, is someone morally wrong?

If you are basing this off your personal emotions, then you are making an even bigger mistake. Try this, when you calm down, remove your emotions from the discussion, then think about what I have said, logically, and perhaps you will see where you are wrong. And if you cannot see where you are wrong, I really don't see any point in taking this further, in this thread. If you really want to argue your point, and try to convince me that I am somehow wrong, then you can feel free to email me. You can see that I do not get emotional about any of this, and I'm able to express myself without becoming emotionally attached to some illogical idea that has nothing to do with the truth.
If a company is worried about an employee taking technology and leaving to go to work for someone else or start a business of their own, they will have a employment contract stating amongst other things, that upon termination of employment said employee agrees to not engage in said business activities or work for someone engaging in said business for x amount of time. The short version.
Smack said:
If a company is worried about an employee taking technology and leaving to go to work for someone else or start a business of their own, they will have a employment contract stating amongst other things, that upon termination of employment said employee agrees to not engage in said business activities or work for someone engaging in said business for x amount of time. The short version.

Or they just kill them.

Contracts of employment can be a waste of space as many courts take the view that you can't stop a person from earning a living, some exceptions do exist such as using propriety information or processes but generally they give little protection for the companies using them unless they want to spend lots of time and money to harass ex employees which few will.
if you do a good job and pay a fair amount, then you will succeed. im reminded of a couple of guys that worked for me awhile back. they went with me to load and unload the truck and would help tear down of my regular costumers called me friday and asked if i knew these two fellows names. i told that i did and he said that they showed up at his place a few days before wanting to know if he had any scrap that he needed cleaned on the half and that they understood i had been doing it and that i wasnt doing it anymore.they also said that they were willing to do it for a quarter of what i was doing the same work for. he took their number and said he would get back to them.of coarse when he called me to determine what was going on, he said he had the feeling that there was something not right about those two.

the point of this is, the man trusted me and he trusted my work. if he didnt he could have let these two have the work and made more profit (in theory) actually the two are drunks and i found out they both do meth and was no doubt trying to get quick money to buy drugs.

so you do a good job and you pay a fair price and nothing anyone can do will change the outcome.if they cheat you once, shame on them. if they cheat you twice, shame on you.
Buzz said:

Whereabouts in the UK are you?


Blackburn, Lancs.

I know there are some companies that do this for large organizations, but none that I can find who do it for households.
Rignt on Geo, I wish I had a buck for every time one of my customers told me someone came and gave them a bid for less but they said we are happy with who we have.

The then owner of Lippert Components once told me "It's better to do a little work and make good money, then it is to break your back just to break even". I've been doing business by that for 17yrs., the two years prior I just about did kill myself for a minimal net.

Nick, one way a employee could win in court is if they could prove they signed the contract under duress which would be nullified by the contract it self stating that "I am in complete agreement with the contract and am signing of my own free will". If the contract is properly written, the employee loses that battle every time. Why? This is a civil case so if they want representation it will cost money, good money, money that employee who is now jobless most likely does not have. But lets say they find a good attorney, that attorney will inform his/her client that he or she has no case. And if that employee tries to go ahead with self representation, the companies attorney will eat them up in court. The people writing contracts are experts and many experts have went before them, refining these contracts over and over through the years. I have went against two contracts in my life and lost both cases, best thing to do is think long and hard about it before you sign, or don't agree to it and move on.
I think companies weigh what they can gain, against what they would spend. To hire lawyers for a civil case is not a usual practice, it costs more than they gain, unless proving one guilty would also allow them to lay claim to whatever secret or process that someone else was using because of the information divulged.

I had a female employee accuse one of my managers of sexual harassment. What she didn't realize was that he wasn't interested in females, at all. I thought I had a pretty clear cut case, as well there were several other employees that would have had to corroborate, and they wanted the chance to speak the truth about the female employee because it actually hurt her case a great deal. I hired a lawyer and right away started loosing money. Thankfully it was a long time friend, and he advised me to simply settle, and fast before my costs rapidly increased. Even though I knew I could win the case with no issue, I would have to pay a lot more in attorney fees, then it would cost to settle out of court with her. So that's what I did, I sometimes regret letting her get away with it but at the time it already put me into a tough situation so far as my business was concerned.

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