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Setting up a Gold Refinery

Gold Refining Forum

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Dec 29, 2010
Oporto, Portugal
Dear All,

I am setting up a gold refinery in Portugal, and need to know if anyone can assist me from a consultancy point of view.

I am looking for gold specialists, who have different experiences, such as:
-Procurement for Refining machineries
-Financials, Cashflows, costs vs revenue (estimate etc)
-Metalurgy specialists
-Experts within gold

Basically, people who have refining experience would be great to be able to talk with.

If you know of any company who can provide these services (or some of them), I would very much like to be able to speak to you.

My company is based in Portugal, and we are Real Estate Developers.
Please see: www.hn.co.pt
However, our company over the last few years have been looking at Gold opportunties and investments.

So, if you can help me with setting up a professional gold refinery, I would love to hear from you.

Kindest regards
If you want to talk gold refining this is the right place, but dump the sticky link.

I hate links that require closing the browser to get out of. :evil:
Thank you for your reply.
The link is something I dont often use, however it allows others to understand a little about who and what you are doing in business.

Do you have any feedback regarding my request?

Dear All,

Another note I wish to add, is that how much PM should a medium / large refinery take out?
For example:
500 kg of gold per month
100 kg of Silver

How can I define how much I want to extract from other metals?

Ultimatley its the gold, but a refinery will want to explore other metals.

Can someone please help?

Your inputs are much appreciated, and no doubt if any of you are in Portugal (oporto), I would be delighted to help you.

Kindest regards
Go to sipimetals.com Len Stack in the precious metals department might be able to help. Ask if they do consulting. They have been in business for over 100 years. All contact info is on the website. I take my CB's there.
I'm a hobby refiner but there are plenty of pro's here.

What is it you are looking for from refining?

Investors can just buy and sell finished product why are you interested in the work part of it?

All the tools in the world won't guarantee clients to work for.