Short question about procesing ceramic CPUs in AR

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2015

i think everybody knows this video:

as you can see there, he put the chips with the soft solder from the lids into AR but i thought any? tin in HNO3 gives the lovely metastannic so my question is: isn't any tin in these solder or is it so less of these metal that proplems with metastannic are not present in the process?!

how much Sn can be dissolved in 1l HNO3 ( ~65%) without the result of any visible metastannic?

Regards, Frank!
My guess is that it is the cloudy part on the first wash. It makes the solution all cloudy when he pours that in, showing it is a fine mud that comes there. When the reaction slows down the metastannic acid settles to the bottom so you don't see any when he starts to pour.


mhm..o.k., and thanks.

But there isn't any problem with these seems strong diluted.

Regards, Frank!
All those that have come before us say that tin will trap values.

So should the question be: 'how much tin becomes a problem?' Or should it be 'how much gold is being taken by the tin?'

Frank-20011, you have my poor brain working overtime now! LOL
OK...i watched the video&have concluded that its Another one of those short videos that leave you asking more questions that the video answered...i for one seen (FOUR) mistakes on the first watch an i just woke up an haven't had my coffee yet...Mistake#1--Wear leather gloves while breaking chips(they WILL cut you&hitting them in your bear hand hurts like H$?!) Mistake#2--use a two stage process of A.P. remove visible gold..then crush/hammer the chips into very small pieces&powder an then use A.R. Mistake#3---when pour any solution containing value USE a filter (did you see him pour that junk back in there at the end?) Mistake#4---what is the purpose of adding ice cubes to a contaminated solution that has not been filtered an is not ready for the precipitation process ....
darinventions said:
OK...i watched the video&have concluded that its Another one of those short videos that leave you asking more questions that the video answered...i for one seen (FOUR) mistakes on the first watch an i just woke up an haven't had my coffee yet...Mistake#1--Wear leather gloves while breaking chips(they WILL cut you&hitting them in your bear hand hurts like H$?!) Mistake#2--use a two stage process of A.P. remove visible gold..then crush/hammer the chips into very small pieces&powder an then use A.R. Mistake#3---when pour any solution containing value USE a filter (did you see him pour that junk back in there at the end?) Mistake#4---what is the purpose of adding ice cubes to a contaminated solution that has not been filtered an is not ready for the precipitation process ....

Ok let's address the mistakes you are noticing on the video.

Mistake #1- Breaking up chips.
I'm pretty sure that he did this just for the tutorial of the video and that he does break then up wearing gloves or on top of a hard surface during his regular processing procedures.

Mistake #2- Process using AP(copper chloride) for the first step.
If you use the AP method and you make the mistake that a lot of people make in using too much or to high of a concentration of peroxide you take a greater chance of dissolving some of your gold during the process of eliminating the base metal of kovar the the pins are made of.
If you use copper chloride for this process you run the possibility of the copper in your solution cementing onto the kovar inside of the pins and creating barrier of cemented copper metal that the copper chloride has to redissolve and stalling the process and therefor having to run the process for an extended length of time to redissolve the copper metal.
You would have just as much if not better success in just placing the pins into 32% HCl and boiling the solution. Using straight HCl for this process is better than using AP because you don't run into the chance of dissolving your gold. The peroxide really serves no purpose in this process since you are not dealing with copper.

Mistake #3- Using a filter.
If you will go back and look at his video I think there is a link to the 2nd video that goes along with processing these CPU's where he filters the solution in the 2nd video.

Mistake #4- Adding ice cubes.
This is also covered in his 2nd video and what the purpose was for adding the ice cubes.

He did not make any mistakes in this video IMHO that would bring up any red flags. He used the poor mans AR process for these chips. In doing so he is not dealing with 2 different sets of a waste stream. In having to deal with the first solution for dissolving the base metals and then a 2nd waste stream in dealing with the gold foils dissolved in poor mans AR. He is only having to deal with filtering the gold chloride ( with base metal contamination ) from one type of waste stream. Plus he is not hindered in trying to separate the gold foils from the mix of silver chloride, tin or lead chloride sediments.
Thubms up Barren!

darinventions - As Barren mentioned, there's a second video. Also, In the description of the video, you are able to find a link to the full tutorial on my website. It seems you haven't read it. Please do.
Here's a link to the tutorial - How to recover Gold from Scrap Ceramic CPU - Part 1

frank-20011 - In an HCl environment, and very little nitrate, no metastannic acid will ever form. Tic chloride will be produced but due to the highly oxidizing nature of AR, it will not precipitate any gold.
Good luck and be safe.
Well i was going to comment more on the subject this morning but a 4year-old nephew of mine got hurt this morning(feel an gashed his chin real bad) so the wife made me drive .that's why i didn't comment any thoughts are still that it was a pourly constructed video ...just think if someone watchs it not knowing what we know about refining they attempt to do everything they see. on the video as regular practice ..that was the point i was trying to make...

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