Silver cell voltage setting

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
I already posted this question on the silver section but got no answer so far. I was wondering can I set the volatage of the cell once it is running(so that would include the cell resistance) or should I set it before hooking the power supply to the cell and let the voltage adjust itlself with the cell resistance. I am asking because my cell is curently running at about 2v 5amp(with resistance/ 3v before hooking the power to the cell) if I could set it to 3v including resistance I could get about 7 to 8 amp output which would be much more productive.

Once again I appologise for the poor quality of my english, I am doing my best :p

Thank you
Your voltage should be set while under load as this is what the cell will “see” while in use.

Take an extreme example as an illustration. If you have a light bulb on the end of a very long and thin extension cord you will see a dim bulb as a result. The resistance of the cord consumes your amps/power and if it the amps are not available that the bulb can draw, the voltage will drop. A 200amp 110volt circuit has the same “power” as a 100amp 220volt circuit.

Perhaps not the best explanation, but set your voltage under load.

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