Simplest way to make 1 grain bars

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Sep 1, 2012
Hello GRF-

Seeing as we haven't had a good snow in so long here in Chicago, I called it a snow day and decided to refine some old scrap I had sitting..

I was wondering if anyone had any insight into the best (most efficient) way to make 1 grain bars? I have thought to try just pouring them into a tray of 1 grain ingots, but that seems very difficult, inaccurate, and completely inefficient..Next I thought lost wax would be a good idea, but still not sure if I will be able to fill that small of spaces in the mold without the gold solidifying.. Last thing I thought was to pour a wire, roll it out, and try to find some way to stamp them out of the strip I rolled. I want to have a simple stamp on these bars as well, so depending on how I make them, should I attempt to pour it with the stamps raised? or should I just make it simple and strike them?

Thanks In advance for any and all help!

Best Regards-

I am curious- why are you interested in pouring one grain bars? As far I understand it a grain is 1/7000 of a pound. Pretty small. Why not some small amount of grams instead? Seems like that would be easier. Just my two cents.

I want to do it out of curiosity. I have found many many instances where people pay far higher percentages for that tiny little sliver of gold...Also, it seems like a fun thing to tackle as it seems pretty difficult to make something beautiful that small...Hey if it ever came down to gold being a more widely used currency, it would always be nice to have smaller pieces vs larger ones.. :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the response!

MATMAD said:
Hey if it ever came down to gold being a more widely used currency, it would always be nice to have smaller pieces vs larger ones.. :lol: :lol:

That is what silver will be for.

The simplest way is to pour rod draw it and blank it out, you will have to do the maths to work out the diameter of the wire and get a die cut to stamp the bars accurately. This will be a challenge to get the weight dead on every time I wish you luck.
Point taken...Silver...I actually like silver more than gold...

BUT I still wanna make perfect mini bars..Im going to look into punching them out thanks for that...and if anyone has and other input towards that like maybe sizes and specs..??
Other Ideas? I just bought a 150 place 1 grain bar ingot, Ill try that out...I got a round and a bar shaped one.

I think if i can pour relatively close enough to the weight I can finish it to the proper weight and just capture the filings.?? Even strike them for general shape after poured before finishing.

AGAIN, Thanks!
Rolling and stamping would be the only way to get what you want, you'll never pour a one grain bar, button maybe but not a bar, it will not lay flat enough, heck even a 10 gram bar would be a challenge because of the surface tension.
This topic was covered on forum several times. Please take your time, research and read before you ask.
The most recent thread which discussed exactly this and where Nick explained what you need to get in order to produce them:
I reload my own ammo and powder is mesured in grains my 10mm shoots a 220 g JHP with 21 g of x800 powder. 1grain in something as heavy as gold waste of time and energy.
It is caused by that eBay hype when people see other people to pay close to 10 times more than melt value is.
In fact melt value and lets say for sake of argument - real value are 2 very different things.
Producing those tiny grain value makes them so expensive so they have to go for 4-5 times over spot just to cover producing costs.
Most of sales are disappointing experience for buyers as well over 90% of buyers did not read closely auction description and have no clue that grain is something very different from gram.

Producing these or interest in producing them reminds me other thing we had here when somebody else way back in time come here with keen interest to get to know how to gold plate. He wanted to learn this to get to start plating small pins and offer them for sale.

Nothing wrong with selling gold grain bars - you get what person if willing to pay, that is called business but I have yet to see seller who picture them with common coin for comparison and properly explain difference between grain and gram on auction description.

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