Slight confusion...after much reading

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Active member
Jun 10, 2010
Ok guys, I need a little clarification. I have read until my eyes are sore and tired. I think they are fatigued. I understand that before the AR process we are supposed to soak the metals in a Nitric bath. What I have learned is that the nitric, AP and the AUCL3 disolve gold. i have looked and looked for a discussion on the definate use of Nitric before the AUCL3. My question is it necessary to use the Nitric before both (AR/AUCL) processes? I seem to get bits and pieces but never a total answer to my question. So now it is time to ask. IS IT NECESSSARY? (sigh) I am tired of searching and reading for the day.
Nitric acid dissolves a wide range of base metals.

AP= hydrochloric acid and 3% first aid type peroxide, dissolves copper and copper alloy base metals.

AuCl3 is the chemical formula for gold chloride, it is the result of dissolving not the means.

Removing the base metals first with nitric or AP is highly recommended and although it is some extra work, gold drops quickly and cleanly and is the least likely to result in losses due to a slow dirty precipitation.

Take breaks at regular intervals while reading you will retain more and cut down on headaches and red eye syndrome. :mrgreen:
If you want step by step clarification. Read the Hoke book first. Much more of the conversations will make sense after you have a handle on the basics. The book is made available for free download in many places in the forum.

AuCl3 is the chemical formula for gold chloride, it is the result of dissolving not the means.
With the exception of a Wohlwill or fizzer cell not very commonly used hobbyist scale as far as I can tell.
Thank you.
I have been pouring throught the forum and the recomended book since being kicked in the pants for not reading by Steve. I thought that I had read the information, but could not locate the thread. This Information helps. I'm trying to get a visual of the entire process so that I can duplicate. The book helps with this. That is when the question came up since the chemical processes mentioned do some disolving of the Gold (some much better than the others.) Thank you again and I will continue studying.

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