smb mistake !

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Sep 15, 2011
i just made my first process with ap and fingers,i dont no why as i watched lazers dvd 100s of times but i put the smb into the solution without diluting it first.What effects will this have using the smb neat,i feel sick right now grrrr.It appears after about 15 minutes that ive got a layer of goldy/brown on surface im just hoping i havent mushed up the process.Any advisories would be welcome.thanks
Ah thats brilliant,i got abit worried when i done it.Peace of mind is what i needed,thank you
Your AP dissolved the foils?

I use SMB dry but in a diluted solution not in AP. AP precipitates best by complete copper saturation.

Have you tested with stannous?
I see a lot of newer people posting about using SMB in Acid/Peroxide solutions. I agree with qst42know about using Copper to cement out any values in a AP solution. After the foils, or powder have been dissolved in an HCL/Bleach solution is when you would want to use the SMB to precipitate the Gold out. I will continue using my AP solutions until they become saturated with Copper, then the Gold will precipitate out on it's own as a fine powder that settles on the bottom of the container. That way you are getting the most out of the chemicals. :|
sorry i worded it wrong,i had got to the point of dissolving the foils with hcl / bleech no problems.It was when i went to precipitate the gold out i added the smb without first dissolving it in water,i just weighed it and spooned it in slowly and stirred with plastic spoon.just been out to check on it and i have alot of what looks like gold floating on the surface,isit just a case of wait now for 24 hours. thanks
To break the surface tension of the solution, I will sometimes use the spot free rinse stuff that is made for use in dish washers. Did you remember to dilute the HCL/Bleach solution with 3 parts clean water, and wait the 24 hours for the chlorine to dissipate before adding the SMB?
Just want to thank forum members on this site,my first gold refine was such a buzz to end up with a 2.2g from fingers from ram sticks and 0.8g out the deplating cell,I had a couple of heart rumbles lol but got there in the end,well happy with my sand which il save untill i have a nice piece to melt.I sussed the ap / fingers and deplating cell methods but il stick to them untill i can do them eyes closed before i move on.This place goes real deep but its nice too crack the surface. again thanks to you all. wibbla

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