Sodium Nitrate Recovery

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
Went to the store this evening for a gallon of milk. Wandering around to kill some time I found a product that contains sodium nitrate. Ingredients list out at 46.2% Sodium Nitrate, 34.8% Sulfur, 8.7% charcoal, 10.3% other.

Question being, how to seperate the Sodium Nitrate, then how to seperate the Sulfur?. Which order should it be done in, or can it be done?

The package only weighs 8oz, and cost 4.99, so this will not be a cost effective source of Sodium Nitrate by any means. So, this is a curiosity question more than anything else at this point.

The product is for gassing ground burrowing rodents BTW.

Sulfur and charcoal are not soluble in water, sodium nitrate is.

Extract the sodium nitrate with hot water and filter.

Then there are still the 'other ingredients' to worry with.

It's much cheaper just to buy a four pound bag or box of Bonide Nitrate of Soda online.

Thank you Steve. Like I said, it was more of a curiosity question but at the same time something I plan on trying just to see what comes of it.

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