solder with tin ,lead ,silver and gold and pd

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
i took this solder fillings and incinerated as sugested in the forum to oxidize the metals----after that i boiled for a long time in straight hcl---after diluting the solution , it became violet(purplish) and with a reddish mass(mud)----as it was impossible to filtrate,i added clorox to it and by fluke(luck or some chemical process) the mud dissolved and the purplish collor dissapeared---the solution became green----i filtrated easily and tested for pd(none) ---the powder left was incinerated and nitric acid was added to obtain ag and pd----then ar to obtain gold-
i think that i found a way to eliminate the tin from the solder---
ps----to the greenish solution i added h2so4 and a huge amount of pbso4 precipitated
thanks and expecting replyes of what happened?perhaps i found a way to eliminate the troublesone solder---

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