Sources of tin for making SnCl2= Stannous Chloride

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
North Carolina
Ok I have looked on ebay and found nothing but old vintage cans while looking for tin, Ashamedly (I work with metal allot) I dont really know how to ID tin. If I am not mistaking makeing SnCl2= Stannous Chloride goes like this, take a piece of tin, grind it up and get the dust and "disolve it in hot muriatic acid"will any tin work that is pure and at what temp is Hot?

Here are my ideas about finding tin:

1:cans from the pantry?
2:an item form lowes/home depot?
3:local steel mill?

I am sure other Noobs like me will ask this question so anyone that can debunk or add to list please do..
I sell pure tin powder by the gram on my website.

Another source is 95/5 solder at Lowes.

Steve while I would love to give you all of my spare money :)

I like to know waht the alternatives are as sometimes you run out of stuff and cant/dont want to wait to order supplies, Plus its kinda a nice thought knowing you do all this with everyday stuff from lowes and wal-mart, that is what gives scraping such a fun aspect
(at least while i'm a noob it does) :)
The way I understand it, what Steve offers on his website is mostly just as a favor to fellow refiners who, for whatever reason can not find what they need.
I don't think he makes much on any of it. It surely could hardly be worth his time. Except, as I said, as a favor to the rest of us.
He is obviously a very giving guy....
Can't imagine how he could possibly not be losing money if you consider much time is probably spent making the videos & DVDs, then answering all of the questions that will naturally unfold from their purchase or viewing. Quite the majority are free for goodness sakes. Remember, he could just be pounding out bullion en masse for a profit with that same time.

Any hoots, read his response to your inquiry and you'll see he already gave you an alternative. Doubt he really looks forward to wrapping tin, putting in a envelope and going to the Post Office to nest his retirement egg w/ the grand total, life changing amount of ONE DOLLAR.

BTW, thanks for sending the tin in my package earlier this month Steve....way too funny how I at the last minute thought to ask for a little more so I wouldn't have to worry about running out before I could find a Lowes.

I was just joking about the spare money part. :shock:

Edit: a little about me, as above I love to joke around, I am also the kind of person that likes to find new and obscure was to get the job done. Some of my friends pick at me and call me Mcgiver, or a smart redneck (no redneck insult intended) and so on. So if you can picture that while I asked the question maybe that will explain a bit about my etiquette.

I didn’t mean to offend you Steve ( or anyone else). So far all I have observed here is the great things you (and others) bring to this hobby and all I see is phenomenal dedication.
This message lists some alternative sources for the tin.

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