spot prices.

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Active member
Jun 1, 2010
I have done a lot of googling *that is how I found this great site* and have looked on here using the search part of the site.

But what are some of the sites that you like to go to check is the spot prices of PM *as you all call it*? any good sites that you all use that are good? works for me, has a base metal page also.
Or you could see the kitco info at the bottom of the forum main page.

Yea I saw both of those and the seems to be well put to getter but...I don't like to take information from only one place even more so when it deals with my money...I like to check it with another site.
I think kitco has the most reliable and up to date info.
A second source may well be the same kitco info with a different name,or one that isn't as up to date, or maybe just plain wrong.

thanks..that last one will work good for me and thank you all *I know I say thanks alot but I mean it) for the time that you take to reply to me...I know I am new an most likely asking "dumb" things.
Ok one last thing to ask...this may sound real dumb lol.

On those sites *I have looked on here an there* but they are not saying is it for one Ounce or one Troy Ounce what.
Check out this link to live prices courtesy of the Prospecting Channel.

Here is a link to a Bullion Forum with metal market prices.

Here is a link to a Bullion traders forum.

I hope that this helps.

Sincerely; Rick. "The Rock Man".
linden940 said:
Yea I saw both of those and the seems to be well put to getter but...I don't like to take information from only one place even more so when it deals with my money...I like to check it with another site.
That isn't a requirement for precious metals. It's a world market, so as long as you have one reliable site, the information should be correct. This isn't something you can barter for---precious metal prices, for all practical purposes, are carved in stone. The only difference is, they carve new prices constantly---which the world honors. (as if they had a choice, otherwise!)

Ok thanks...that's very helpful!!

And I want to thank all the other people who have helped me in this post and in my other posts.
linden on that web page i mentioned before you can change currencies or weight so you can see spot price of gold per gram in pakistani rupees or zimbabwean dollar or whatever currency you want. :)
None of these different spot prices really matter when selling. The only one that matters is the one that the buyer or refinery uses and bases their payout on. In the US that is typically Kitco but be sure to check first.

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