spot test shows blue after fibre cpus

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2013

Im just after finishing processing some black fibre cpus in A/R and my spot test is showing blue/turquoise. As far as i am aware that means palladium is in my solution. Has anyone else had palladium when processing these cpus?

My plan is just to cement everything out and redo in a fresh and clean A/R and hopefully find my gold in there.
Geo said:
if you cement, hcl/Cl does a better job in my opinion.

I will give the hcl/cl a try but im kinda wondering now where the gold went since i didnt really have anything in my filter.
how many are you talking about? stannous chloride testing for gold can have a negative for a couple of reasons if you know for sure you have gold in solution. did you test your test solution with a good standard? also, free oxidizer will stop gold testing positive.
At the moment I don't have anything to test my stannous but it was working ok a few days ago. I noticed last night that the lid of my stannous has cracked and been exposed to air so it could be that its gone off.

I only refined 11 black fibres but used 4 ceramic pentiums to kill off the excess nitric. 2 of the pentiums were digested and two were left so I concluded that there was no more nitric. Maybe my hopes of 0.05 g per black fibre were a optimistic.
martymcfly said:
2 of the pentiums were digested and two were left so I concluded that there was no more nitric. Maybe my hopes of 0.05 g per black fibre were a optimistic.
And now you know where your gold is. If you digest base metals in the presence of values, and not all of the base metal gets digested, what remains will cement the values.

Read Hoke. If you have, read the book again. Read it until you understand these things. Where do you think I learned it?

Harold_V said:
martymcfly said:
2 of the pentiums were digested and two were left so I concluded that there was no more nitric. Maybe my hopes of 0.05 g per black fibre were a optimistic.
And now you know where your gold is. If you digest base metals in the presence of values, and not all of the base metal gets digested, what remains will cement the values.

Read Hoke. If you have, read the book again. Read it until you understand these things. Where do you think I learned it?


Thanks. Yeah I have read through hokes now that you have said it ,its blatantly obvious. :oops:

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