SSN - Which Salt?

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There is currently an active parallel thread at:

discussing SSN from the aspect of raising ORP in order to increase the effectiveness of SSN. It is being suggested that adding Iodine (and/or maybe Bromine) may do just that ie increase the ORP.

Also, if you take a look at the Intec Gold Process here:

(which, IMO, is an enhanced/commercial version SSN), you'll see that they use mixed halides by adding "Iodine and/or Bromine" without explanation!?!

Could it be that they're increasing the effectiveness of their (SSN?) leach by increasing the ORP by adding Iodine/Bromine???

I'm taking a WILD guess here, Guys.
Pure NaCl can be purchased as canning or pickling salt.
Not knowing the exact composition,
I question the form of iodine in table salt as a source of free halide ions.
I would trust sea salt to have more free halides, by gut feeling,
but then the issues of other contaminants come into play.

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