storeage of gold unprecipitated in AR

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New member
Jul 23, 2011
i have been reading the amazing information available here on this forum and Hokes book. I haven't been avble to find this kind of basic easy to follow information on the topic of pm refining in the weeks I have been interested in attempting it. So, firstly thank you all so much for sharing your intellect and being so damned smart! ok so my question is would it be better to simply store the unfinished refining materials I was unsuccessful in completing (due to lack of knowledge) while I continue to educate myself and obtain the supplies I will need to recover my gold and redo the AR process. Or evaporate the acid off and try the precipitate again. thanks again.
Barren Realms 007 said:
You would probably be better off storing your stuff till you do a lot of reading and get a good understanding of what you are trying to do.

Yep top hole advice...your metals are going nowhere in solution or in powders, leave it all alone covered and safe and read till you know where you went wrong.
I am asking not stating that this is or isn't the correct approach.
If you were to save as a solution you obviously cannot seal the container due to possible pressurisation, surely corrosive gases are given off and realised into the local atmosphere which may cause problems with health or surrounding metal objects. Wouldn't you be better advised to drop everything out of solution using copper, rinsing well with distilled water and then drying any solids and storing as powder in a sealed container whilst the studying continues?
Good answer martyn111, anything of value would be in powder form, actually I would neutralize the powders, washing them with hydroxide solution before drying and giving them a good red hot roast, I would add to drop other metals from waste solution with Iron or aluminum, and neutralize acid, studying safe disposal of waste, and safety section should be at the top of the to do list.

Edit: label them as to possible contents, finding these powders later you may not remember the details about them.