Sulfur Cell question...

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
ok, so i have made the sulfur cell in hopes to deplate these pins i have. it worked great. but now i have a dish full of black acid that when poured into a filter it just burns a hole right threw it (suppose i should dilute it first?). steve's video on filtering is missing (so is the anode video sadly), which kinda makes me feel like im playing marco-polo.

so what do i do with the black acid?

for filtering strong acids i use a fiber glass wool ball stuck into the neck of the funnel. it works great with all liquid acids except fluorhidric. i'm sure someone has done this before.
Haven't done this yet but if my memory doesn't fail me it goes something like this....

1. Let the black mud settle on the bottom.
2. Decant or even better siphon off excess acid. This goes back into the cell.
3. Dilute the remaining acid and decant or filter it.
4. Wash with HCl a couple of times.
5. Dissolve in AR or HCl/Cl and refine with your favorite method.

I've been planning to build a cell for a long time but haven't taken the time yet.

Good luck!

g_axelsson said:
Haven't done this yet but if my memory doesn't fail me it goes something like this....

1. Let the black mud settle on the bottom.
2. Decant or even better siphon off excess acid. This goes back into the cell.
3. Dilute the remaining acid and decant or filter it.
4. Wash with HCl a couple of times.
5. Dissolve in AR or HCl/Cl and refine with your favorite method.

I've been planning to build a cell for a long time but haven't taken the time yet.

Good luck!


Yep thats the way.
Barren Realms 007 said:
Yep thats the way.

well, i figured it would be something like that.

i let it settle over night & it is still a solid black liquid. is the acid too dense?

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