Sulphuric Boil Mustard Sludge

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
Hi everyone, I just finished boiling down my spent sulphuric acid to remove the water and after pouring off the pure acid there is a mustard colored sludge at the bottom. Does anyone one know what it might be. Oh ya when i added water to the sludge the bottom of my container started getting hot, this made me real courious. I did test with stanious and it is negative.
Thanks to you all for your help in the past and future.Please excuse my spelling if its wrong. :roll:
Pouring water in any material suspected of being sulfuric acid is not a wise trick. Given enough acid present, you could create a steam explosion, throwing the material on your body. You risk being blinded, or serious chemical burns.

If you must test things like that, remove a small portion and do your testing in a small beaker or test tube. Always introduce the material to water, never water to the material, if you suspect there's sulfuric acid involved.

Thanks Harold,
The facts of what happened are, after my boil down cooled off completly
i poured off my acid and the mustared sludge was on the bottom, i then poured the sludge into one of my other jars and used my spray bottle w/tap water to rinse the sludge into the jar afterwards the jar was warm on the bottom. I will be more carefull when adding anything.
And to Arther kierski you got me real courious i hope it is pms ill let you know after i test it
Thanks again everyone
Well now to my suprise there is gold in this sludge. I ran a small sample of it in hcl/cl bubbled out clorine and dropped with smb it took awile but is now showing gold dropping, Thanks to Arthur i found more gold in solution. Its weired it didnot test with stanious. Thanks you for responding

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