I should thank GSP again for his valued posts, since I ran out of m-NBSS for the pins, I tried susbtitue peroxide per his instructions in his posts, he metnioned 2-3 oz of NaCN for every 2 gallons of hot water, then start with 30ml of 35% hydrogen peroxide, so I scaled it down to the following numbers since I was using 1 liter of tab water, here are the calculation for peroxide and cyanide salt:
Cyanide needed for 1 liter soultion = (1000 ml x 28.349g) / 3765 ml = 7.52 g, but I used 20g of NaCN. Then filled up a beaker to 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide, dissolved that amount of cyanide in one liter hot tab water, put the parts inside a bucket that has holes around it, and put them inside the beaker, then slowly dropped a few ml of peroxide and boom immidiately most of the gold was stripped, some of the pins still not stripped, so I shook the beaker and after 2 mins all pins were cleaned from gold.
Amazing, so I put the bucket in 2 rinses and combined all of them, to be processed tommorow keeping my fingers crossed for the result.
Here are some photos, first the pins removed from the telecomm boards that are being stripped,
After 3 mins in cyanide leach, and rinsed twice,
Here is rinses and main solution prior to combining them,
And combined solution ready for zinc addition tommorow, please note as the color of solution using peroxide and cyanide is diffent from using m-NBSS, the later one is more yellow to orange.
Your comments as always are very constructive.