I never did like seeing a shady used car sales men take advantage of a woman because she had no mechanical knowledge, you can polish a lemon and make it look good.
I see this several ways.
Some people do not know what they are buying , but think because others will pay that much it has to be worth that much, like a pack of wolves getting each other excited over a worthless bone.
Also some may figure they will buy this stuff and resale it later at a higher price, or buy it as some other investment.
But most of the time all of these poor fools are losing money they could invest elsewhere and better feed their family.
I see nothing wrong with making some profit, but to sell something for much more than you know it is worth, taking money from some poor man who may not know what he is buying or the value of it (taking his money that he will need to feed his child) and justifying it as simply making a profit then as far as I am concerned that is wrong, If I wanted to sell the lemon I would let the buyer know what it truly was worth, and sell it to him for a fair price, that way if he still wanted it the deal would be good for both of us.
Many people are taking advantage of other people not being educated in what they are buying, doing this willingly is dishonesty.
but if you told the person this gold is worth ten dollars and they wished to bid it up and pay you twenty dollars that would not be dishonest.
Many sellers on Ebay are dishonest (they may not be as dishonest as some are, but they are still being dishonest), they may give honest description of the product, and hope some stupid sucker comes along and thinks it is worth more than it is, will they care if this man spends his only bread money to pay twice what something is worth, will they tell him he is being cheated by the price? or will they just grin with their hand out to get that poor mans money.
Then there are those that will purposely cheat people, melting copper pins and letting them sit in a gold chloride solution plating gold to the outside, polishing them up to look like valuable bars of gold, yes they say they are honest, they give a good fair description of their product, is it their fault all of those suckers out there are not educated about melted gold pins?
what difference is that than the south African selling gold ore on the forum, his dirt may contain gold, is it his business to educate us on African gold ore?
These are not as bad as the man polishing brass and selling it as gold but yet I still do not see it as right.
I agree with fair market and getting a fair price, but I also believe Honesty is being fair with people, doing to them as you would have them do to you,
Would you want that buyer of your scrap on ebay to sell your wife his lemon?