The Big Gold Drop video

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The vid I saw went from dissolving to powder, with nothing in between. Where is the technique for dropping the gold with sodium nitrite? I'm not trying to be offensive. It just seems the "meat" was missing. I like the music.
Not dissolving, only dropping. The laser was to show the gold falling to the bottom of the flask. I think there's enough videos of gold going into solution.
OK, I watched it 3 more times and, due to the dark solution, I could still see no obvious gold dropping. I did finally read your full blurb on the video and that was a little more informative. I like the burnishing of the gold at the end. I still like the music. If I remember right, Noxx had a youtube video where he played the same piece.

You haven't been on here for awhile but, remembering your past posts, I know you know what you are doing. Don't mind me, I'm probably just being too critical.

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