the pot at the end of the rainbow has no gold

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Have not figured out the
weight yet. This is a combination
of the fingers of a hundred memory sticks,
And two dissolutions
Of my one pound of chips

So I figure I am missing between five and eight grams of
I have one container I've been pouring my solution
From all of my washes of my gold powder

I have another container all of mu AR and smb
Has gone into whicj i have been attempting to evaporate
Or should I say d-nox because only a small amount actualt

I incenerated all of my filters and digested in AR. In my last
Attempt of redoing my chips
My stannous showef good while all the material was still
In AR, then lighter after ice bath ,and lighter again after

Thanks steyr223 rob


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Wow really. There might not be stupid
Questions but i guess there are wrong ones

Am i missing something here . As i stated before
I incinerated all filters and solids and redigested
With all the chips in AR
I have put all solution
Aside that tested neg with stannous as instructed
I have a container that all my washes
of my gold powders have gone Into.

Am i really to expect .25-.35 oz /lb
Is that with or without the heat spreaders
As stated previously i am doing the ones without
The gold back(they appear to be the same)

I believe i am being very patient in this but i
Really should get this stuff off my truck
Thanks steyr223 rob
Got it
Sorry for being a f****up, .
my life story
I have a list written down of step by step
And it still doesnt work.

Thought i had it this time
10 chips no gold back
Crushed more fine 1/10"
1 Tbs,1/2 tsp,1/2 tsp.1/4 tsp
Sat overnight
Put nugget in heated 1 hr more
Filtered to ice beaker
Added sulfuric acid concentrated
Filtered to percipatation braker
Washed filters well
Dropped with smb
Washed gold powders hcl boil,h2o boil,
2 hcl,2 h2o
All solution goes clear and stays clear

Everything was perfect ,added powders to my
New seasond dish
Au started forming then suddenly the dish turned
Dark and the au stoped melting right before forming
Into little bb's
It. almost appeared as if the borax was burnt
Into the dish ,the gold would not float

Now forget the rest but please can some one explain
What has happend,i cannot find anything in search
For this and when i try to refference holke scribid
Shows the first page but anything i try sends
The paged scrolling till the last page
I already smashed one phone($160.00) and this one
Has a shatterd screen .

I would like to help, but I am having a hard time figuring out what the question is.
I guess I am just having a hard time understanding.

Nice button.

If your gold is forming small BB's that will not come together, I wonder if it is not the torch, and your melting technique, I use an acetylene torch with a small cone flame, it gives me the heat needed, and I can push the gold around in the dish with the cone of the blue flame, melting the small beads into one button.

Too much borax, a dish that is not hot enough, or gold contaminated with other metals will also make it a little more difficult, to melt the gold into one button.

Another thought maybe you are melting something else with the gold, was this gold re-refined for higher purity, re-dissolving the gold from the material which may be insoluble and precipitated the gold again to leave other trace base metals behind, and washed to remove traces of metal that would follow your gold when precipitated, or was this gold from the green solution in the picture earlier in this thread just washed and melted.

Another question, could the black be carbon from your torch, soot in the dish, from a reducing flame?

When you can, you need to get Hokes on paper, or into a book, that way you can read when your phone battery goes dead.
hey butcher
sorry my new phone is broke now to, but I get another today. I am on a laptop for now.
this last one was an entire different batch of the same chips.
now I have always used the same melting technique
now that I am calm I believe I may have gotten something in my dish when I added a sprinkle of borax.
As soon as it hit the almost melted gold it went dark.

as far as a reducing flame it would have been turning the whole white dish black when in contact so that's not the case

As far as bringing other metals into my melt, Are you saying that after AR(hcl + Potassium nitrate) of said ceramics
with harolds washes that it could still be to dirty to melt

I think I am chasing misinformation as I am looking for .8-1.1 grams from 10 chips , and looking for 8-11 grams from the 1 lb
(100) chips on my previously batch

as I stated above in barrenrealms post I think lou said .25-35 ounces per pound but he could have been talking about a different chip
I have done 10 twice and pulled between .2-.3 each time I don't think that's on accident

my first ,4 remark was not weighed but a guess

thanks for the reply i'll try not to break my new phone :lol:
steyr223 rob
I now believe that since nobody
Can varify the yeilds from
These ceramic Ic's that I must be
Correct in my yields
I will continue to test and will share my
Yields here.

So far my yields have been spot on for it pins.brassy pins.
Springy pins.fingers.plated boards.and a few other types
of material. Whether in the sulfuric cell.Ap. nitric.or Ar.

They have always come within acceptable margins
Of many others yields so I have to believe I am correct

Please if you have other info ans I am wrong correct me
I will now put all my solutions together and cement. refine. With hcl/bleach.
Again please if this is wrong correct me
thanks steyr223 rob

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