Thought it was simple and straight forward bs

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New member
Jan 5, 2013
ok I removed the pins from hundreds of fiber cpus using a heat gun, not a torch.
12ml 32%hcl per gram pins
no floating pins no floating gold visible at top
bunch of tiny particles dissolved gold
what now I dont even see how i could pour this into a filter and get anything I can work with
surely there has to be more than a gram of unrefined gold in 800 grams of cpu pins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :?: :?: :?: :?: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
irritated said:
ok I removed the pins from hundreds of fiber cpus using a heat gun, not a torch.
there has to be more than a gram of unrefined gold in 800 grams of cpu pins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :?: (snip for bad taste)

If you actually got a gram You did a good job :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You would REALLY be happy if you spent time here and actually learned what to expect from that EXTRA LOW GRADE ecrap (misspelling intended) instead of better quality escrap.
But since you are new here and haven't spent MUCH time learning what is really going on, You have done really good IF you actually got that gram of MIGHT BE pure gold.

PS. Take it easy on the smiles even though they can be cute they can also be very annoying and can possibly reflect on the TRUE character of the user.
You have come to the right place to find your answer. Use the search function and start reading. Shouldn't take long to see the mistakes you may have made.

So you said that you boiled these pins in HCL? Was it just straight 32% HCL?

If so, then no gold is dissolved. Its may be tiny little flakes, very hard to see, but not dissolved.

Did all the pins dissolve? I'm guessing that they didn't, but without the full story its just that, guessing.

If the pins didn't dissolve then you still have work to do. To recover the gold in the way that you are attempting you must dissolve all the base metals, leaving only the super thin gold plating behind.

Try using the search function to find the " copper II chloride " leach method. Also known as " AP " , " Acid / Peroxide ". Or just type in " pins". That should get you started.

Put your pins in a safe place and study for a few days. Then ask a few more questions before moving forward. That gold will still be there waiting on you.
:shock: 800 g of pin from p4 wow... realy... wow

well i dont use the 12ml acid of samuel because to me it havent work. i do it that way, i put a bunch of pin in a 4 l beaker , and add a bunch of acid (but not much)than add a lot of water . i usualy make my 30% hcl at 10% or 15%, than let it boil for a full day (i sometime add water back if level goes to low to keep room for the salt) or until it doesent smell hcl anymore,than let it sit over night ,decant and start with fresh acid until basemetal has dissolved.

sorry no yield for you, but they sell for 12$ so you should be able to have at least 12$ of value in the end..
good luck
So out of almost two pounds of clean pins you only got one gram of gold?????

I would think those two pounds would have made you more money on E-Bay if thats the case.

1 gram from 2 pounds of pins? Sounds low, low, low to me.

The only time any of this stuff is straight forward is when you've studied the forum enough (and read the Hoke book) to essentially know what you're doing. Even then, it will probably take several hands-on attempts before you get it right. This stuff is neither easy or intuitive and patience is definitely a virtue. Just about everyone has some failure when starting out. Try very small batches at first. It's a lot cheaper to screw up a small batch than a big one.
Gold from this type of pins will break to small fine particles, sometimes even to powder like substance. If there is still some metal (undissolved pins) present some gold will be on that metal.
I just wanna say that i have done this with pins my self (another thread Low yield pins ) as i was advised by few good members to keep adding more of pins in the solution ,i have not used any heat but i did use 5ml of peroxide ,now what i did was mixing solution few times per day 72hrs latter solution would turn dark brown and i have made a decision not to try and rejuvenate the same (only 300ml 32%hcl and 5ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide ) so every third day i have filtered this with coffee filters and washed pins in tap water 100ml ,oxidation starts after an hour (dry) then i add another 200ml Hcl and 100ml CUCL mix and 72hrs latter same process repeated after 4 changes i am left with 1000ml of dark brown solution which has small gold particles all over it and my original pins are down to about 50g sitting in a healthy AP solution until i loose my mind and throw them away (joking ill never throw away anything of value no matter how insignificant amount that may be )
anyway i know that i will never place any pins in AP again (sulfuric cell or Nitric is the way to go) just to relate this to your post my advise would be save your time and get your self a sulfuric cell i know i am building one soon anything else for gold plated pins or jewelry is a waist of time

also if anyone reads this i would appreciate help which way should i go to recover all of my gold which is in very small particles (goes through 2x coffee filters i am sure that my solution does not have any gold dissolved as is saturated with copper (dark brown almost black) but i do have gold particles all over the place do i need better filter and if i do what number whatman would be good for this nano particles thanks Zoran
How do you know there is no gold in that solution?
HCL and H2O2 does dissolve gold.
The idea of adding the peroxide is to start the process off by dissolving some copper and getting it into solution. If allowed to continue this will eventually become a copper chloride, copper etching solution.

What you have done by repeated changing out of the solution with fresh HCL/H2O2 has most likely put a small amount of gold as well as a greater amount of copper into solute.

When this is allowed to carry on, with out continually starting over. is that eventually any small amount of gold that originally was dissolved will cement out and it is then just a copper etching solution.

Then air can be added with a bubbler to keep it going.
You should test that solution.
Thanks Platdigger great idea to test for presence of gold i think that will be negative but it was not important to me at this stage as i had plans to use same solution with my ram fingers which should displace any gold if present if i am correct ,sure i will have to use bubbler to keep solution active
but you got me thinking now and i wanna to a test which is a problem at this moment cannot find any tin powder in Queensland (Australia) also all of the hardware stores are selling solder with 35% lead which is bad so i have to order a minimum 1kg of tin powder 325 mesh from a place in NSW which is going to take 2 weeks to arrive with a cost of $65 for 1kg of powder and $16 postage (may be expensive but hey have no other option)
is there a way to use gold testing solution somehow i i have bottles with 10k 14k 18k 22k and silver testing solution
at this moment cannot find any tin powder in Queensland (Australia) also all of the hardware stores are selling solder with 35% lead

Probably you can even take some solder cutted from thickly soldered low-grade pcbs. Until now I didn't have any problems with common Cu and/or Pb alloys, filtering would be an option. I think I read on the forum about probs with antimony, but I am not sure.

If you used straight HCl without any strong oxidizers, there should not be any gold in solution. Stannous test wouldn't work since there is solder attached to the pins. If you used oxidizers like H2O2 right from the start, your dissolved gold would be reduced to colloidal gold, which would be a bad thing.

My two cents: let it react until all basemetals are dissolved, let it sit, decant, filter the rest, wash well, dissolve and precipitate - all after you read the highly recommended texts.
ive come to the conclusion that removing the pins to process them is a waste of time. there was a time that i did the pins in a text book manner by removing the pin and dissolving the Kovar in hot hcl but it seems to take forever. you must boil the pins in hcl until the solution turns blue. at this point its time to change the solution. what you are looking for is reaction bubbles. reaction bubbles are different than a boiling bubble. reaction bubbles are small and can originate anywhere on the material and a boiling bubble originates at the bottom of the pile. Kovar will dissolve in hot hcl but the gold plating is a barrier to the acid. because of this, the Kovar must be dissolved from the open end of the pin and work its way to the pointed end leaving a small tube of gold. vigorous boiling breaks these tubes into small pieces.

personally, i place the whole processor in AP and collect the foils a few days later.
While tin powder is easier to make stannous, can you just source a piece of tin and dissolve that in hydrochloric, leaving a small piece in keeps the solution fresh for longer.

I know I am new here, but I still feel like this is another thread by a person that is demanding information to fix their mistake. The usual “Help me I have a mess because I didn’t study or learn enough”.

On top of this, there are multiple “violations” to the rules of the forum; the first I noticed is in the title. BS is obviously an abbreviation for some unprofessional choice words. I wish people would post with more of a structured form versus just rambling that makes it hard to read.

The “help me I screwed up” questions answered with a simple, read the required information post, and nothing else.

Just my two cents.
I totally agree, I think irritated, should study the forum, to learn more so that he will no longer be irritated. and we should delete this topic and start over.
Richard is it possible to go back and delete a bunch of threads that are similar to this where someone has asked a question that has been answered a 1000× and then the only response to the questions are to read? If this is the case I would have no problem starting a thread in the forum problems section and posting a link for each thread like that I come across while trying to read ALL of the threads from start to finish. I am working on it, trying to read every thread old to new :roll:

moose7802 said:
Richard is it possible to go back and delete a bunch of threads that are similar to this where someone has asked a question that has been answered a 1000× and then the only response to the questions are to read? If this is the case I would have no problem starting a thread in the forum problems section and posting a link for each thread like that I come across while trying to read ALL of the threads from start to finish. I am working on it, trying to read every thread old to new :roll:


Each thread is different and there is some unique information in almost every one, even though they might have the same general theme. I would rather not tamper with them.
goldsilverpro said:
moose7802 said:
Richard is it possible to go back and delete a bunch of threads that are similar to this where someone has asked a question that has been answered a 1000× and then the only response to the questions are to read? If this is the case I would have no problem starting a thread in the forum problems section and posting a link for each thread like that I come across while trying to read ALL of the threads from start to finish. I am working on it, trying to read every thread old to new :roll:


Each thread is different and there is some unique information in almost every one, even though they might have the same general theme. I would rather not tamper with them.

I agree, it would be a hard task to weed out all the bad without possibly losing some good content.

Maybe a section called "Just The Good Stuff" where links to threads that should not be missed by new members (and should be easily found for all) could be posted. Like a best of the best, and try to keep that section clean from the nonsense. Either threads and posts could be nominated to be put there, or one of the people who would like to see this forum easier for new members could step up and put it together.

The intention behind is quite good and once upon a time I thought of the same, but after just having read what I think is "the best of", this is an impossible task - both quantitatively and qualitatively. But this my point of view is only one from a very young member. :oops:

Now, after one year of being here, the search engine is my best friend and I don't see a lack of spoon feed tutorials anymore. :lol:

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