Noxx said:
I have to disagree, commercial refractories do not need to be very thick. Why are you suggesting thicker refractory walls ?
Why would you disagree with that NOXX?
Now I will be the first to admit that I have not been around a foundry of the same nature that most here have been around. Running the high temps that are being delt with.
But I have been around many similar items in my line of work.
I worked daily with 3 systems that were 1.5 mbtu burners set in a SS ring (wraped in rock wool with SS cover barrier) that blew the flame into of all things a fiberglass stack where water was sprayed in to evaporate the water, we replaced the stacks every 4-6 months, and the spry nozzels lasted 1-2 months. There was a lot of heat transfer thru this setup.
I maintained a 300' tunnel furnace where they took cotton and treated it with chemical to make it fire resistant for use in furnature, this system had a layer of rock wool to keep heat tranfer down.
Boilers, I don't even want to count!
Pool heater's, even these have a layer of rock wool for protection 1" to 1-1/2" thick if memory serves me right.
Fire resistant sheetrock 3/4" is desighned to last 1 hour at 2,000 F if memory serves me right. 2 laters for a 2 hour protection.
A firwall of brick is minimum 4" thick.
Have you ever seen a chimney stack built of brick? You see the outside brick, but did you know there is another inner chamber with 3 courses of acid resistant brick if I remember right. This is for protection from the acid not the heat. And the mortor joints are super thin.
If I am correct I don't think you will find a furnace running these temps with only an 1-1/2" wall. A brick layed on it's side is 2-1/4"" thick. And I think you will find that a furnace of this type built of brick is going to have a minimum of 3 courses of brick but I would say closer to 4 or 6 courses of brick layed.
These figures are probably a little off and there are others here in construction that can correct them for me. I have been out of this aspect of construction for some time so I don't have to keep the figures in my head. And besides I didn't have to keep up with this information because in my line of work it was not my job, it was the general contractors responsability to keep up with this info.
I was not trying to imply that Steves desighn was wrong. I don't think it is! I love the desighn of it.
His concern was the 220 F temp of the outer surface of his furnace. As stated in the post below.
This material has a thermal conductivity of 4.54 BTU-in/hr-F-ft^2 at 2000 degrees F
When you desighn for something like this you desighn for thermal conductivity. Common sense will tell you that if you have too much heat transfer your barrier is too thin.
I don't recall a furnace that I have seen constructed like this with less than 4" walls maybe 3". And all of them degrade with time and use. So your desighn should accomodate for this factor as well.
Check on this web site for info and desighns.
HAuCl4 wrote:
May I suggest adding a layer of heat insulation to that furnace?. Having something so hot exposed is an accident waiting to happen. Just my opinon, and a layer "sleeve" made of refractory wool would not be heavy or expensive. Maybe too many modifications are impractical, you be the judge.
I have actually already considered this and I'm on the fence as to whether or not insulating the exterior would cause the steel to retain more heat and begin to get red hot creating a possible failure condition. After that thought I also considered adding cooling fins to the exterior to provide extra cooling to the casing, but this would also sap heat away from the interior of the furnace. Like I said, I'm still working out the pros and cons ofeach hoping to find a happy medium.
I'm open to suggestions on both fronts and will incorporate any ideas that prove to be useful and practical, now and in the future.
The furnace project is an experiment that is still in process and is by no means completed. I've already considered replacing the bucket with a 10" version for a thicker interior refractory wall. I've also considered a heat reflective coating inside the bucket walls between the refractory lining and the steel.
The fastest and easiest fix for his problem would be to weld some small tabs on the bottom side sticking out, or a bottom support ring. Take a piece of 1" fire rated sheetrock, cut it to size, wet it so it will be flexible and put it on the side of the furnace and hold it in place with long SS pipe clamp's. I would assume this would cut his heat transfer down to 120-140F on the outside of his furnace.
But to be honest a 220F temp is not that bad IMHO, just operate the thing outside and watch your clothing.
This is an uneducated guess on my part:
The refractory will possibly last 18 months depending on how much he uses it and how it is stored.
The thinner the refractory the more prone it is to absorb moisture into the interrior of the refractory.
Thus each time it is cranked up there is a possability of damage from expanding moisture..Steam!
The thinner the refractory the more prone it is to crackes and hairline fractures.
The thinner it is makes it more likely for the refactory to crack apart and break up when these fractures appear.
EDIT: You want to think about heat transfer? I have seen on HVAC system's on a run of ductwork less than 15' in an attic change the temp of the air leaving the air handler and coming out of the vent by over 10 deg F.