Here is the process. I am not sure how repeatable it will be for you. It is not exactly home brew, but I think that you may be able to speed up the process that you already use with a sand/lead filled pipe or something. The trick is in the ball bearings. We used a 3 ton Denison press and made a ram and cup with some found materials around my shop. The reason that we used the Denison is because it is fast. It will cycle completely in around a second and a half. I think that the pictures explain it all. The balls make more efficient crush points and act more like a mortar and pestle. Notice that the ram is offset. We spin the cup every cycle and after about 5 or ten cycles dig around in the cup with a screwdriver as a poker. We ran it for 2 minutes and after we used a magnet to pull the metal out, the middle pictures are the result. This can be screened and reground as needed. (actually the earlier pictures with the chips and balls are staged, I forgot to take the pictures before I cycled the press so I had to improvise).
Here is the process. I am not sure how repeatable it will be for you. It is not exactly home brew, but I think that you may be able to speed up the process that you already use with a sand/lead filled pipe or something. The trick is in the ball bearings. We used a 3 ton Denison press and made a ram and cup with some found materials around my shop. The reason that we used the Denison is because it is fast. It will cycle completely in around a second and a half. I think that the pictures explain it all. The balls make more efficient crush points and act more like a mortar and pestle. Notice that the ram is offset. We spin the cup every cycle and after about 5 or ten cycles dig around in the cup with a screwdriver as a poker. We ran it for 2 minutes and after we used a magnet to pull the metal out, the middle pictures are the result. This can be screened and reground as needed. (actually the earlier pictures with the chips and balls are staged, I forgot to take the pictures before I cycled the press so I had to improvise).