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New member
Jun 4, 2012
I'v only been learning about this for two weeks now,I hope you all
don't mind me asking a short question.

I have tried four times the dissolution of computer fingers.In all the videos
I'v seen at the end of the dissolution process ,the solution is allways a
dark yellow all most brown.
I start my dissolution in hot Hydrochloric Acid (HCl 32%,then when worm,
I start adding small amounts HNO3 (Nitric Acid 69-72%) very slowly.
I wait until all reaction has seized .At this point my solutions are every
thing but yellow, one was black two were very dark blue, the last was green.
I'v thrown the four batches out. Maby some one can help me understand this.
Welcome to the forum.
It is my hope you take my answer as it is intended, to help you get a better understanding, more profit and also working safely.

I have a feeling your jumping off the bridge without checking to see if water is under the bridge, this can be very dangerous so you need to study and get an understanding before jumping, you should have an understanding of the reactions and what to expect (even colors of solutions and powders, you should also have a very good understanding of the safety and waste disposal aspects before putting a drop of acid on the metals, without this you could just hit those rocks under that bridge.

Metals with acids will color solutions, this color can be determined by the metal (Cation in solution) and the acid or even base (anion in solution), the acid and metal form a dissolved salt of that metal, some metals color solutions stronger than other metals, when several metals are in solution either one metal may dominate and give a certain color, or the color can be from a mixture of metals coloring the solution, these colors can also change when more than one acid are in solution, or when solutions are at different concentrations, these colors can be indicators, as to what metal or acid is in solution but can also be very deceiving, like iron in solutions under certain conditions can look just like gold in solution, this is why we use test solutions and do not just rely on colors to tell us what is actually in the solution.

You should not be trying anything until you have read Hokes book and done some studying on the forum, it is a common mistake for someone to read a few things and think they can recover and refine gold, no telling how much gold is lost, and how many people put them selves and others in danger by jumping the gun and trying things without thorough study beforehand.

Hoke's book will get you acquainted with reactions colors and the principles of how to recover and refine gold, until you have read the book and understand it you are not ready to recover and refine, without that understanding your just going to waste valuable’s resources time and you could also put yourself and others in danger, also study the chemicals and metals in these solutions and powders, learn what to do and what not to do, learn which chemicals and gases can harm your health or cripple you, learn how to work safely and comply with enviromental laws and concerns.
Gold is an element you haven't done anything that can destroy it, just change its appearance.

Stop throwing it away.

Some emphasis on the change of appearance and what to look for should be part of your studies.

Throw nothing away untill it has been properly dealt with, not liquid or solid.
bristel333 said:
I start my dissolution in hot Hydrochloric Acid (HCl 32%,then when worm,
I start adding small amounts HNO3 (Nitric Acid 69-72%) very slowly.
That's why you are failing. Lose the idea of recovering gold using nitric and HCl. It stinks from the head down.
Read Hoke's book.

No, it won't tell you how to process escrap. What it will do is teach you the fundamentals of refining, which you can then apply to anything you encounter.
Until you understand the concept of cementing metals with other metals, none of this is going to make sense to you. You can learn that by reading Hoke.

Read Hoke, and for a change of pace, read the forum. Go back to reading Hoke. Read Hoke until you understand what she teaches. If you do not, you will be the loser, and will then be able to blame no one but yourself for not understanding that what you're doing now is wrong. Really, really wrong.


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