topic on ar with iron

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
since i began my studies in metals (pms) ,i was taught that one has to separate with a magnet the iron powder or tailings from the other powders-------before ar leach----nobody gave me an exact explanation of why one had to do this-----so many times because of lazyness (most times) i did not separate the magnetic from the non magnetic -----i did not do the separation because i made an experiment with just iron powder and ar and all the iron dissolved in the ar---------------------------------
i do not know if other members acted as i did--it was and is a great mistake----so my results in metals recovery was not satisfactory----i will pass some of the things that happened doing the wrong way: when the powders were highly magnetic,the ar solution boiled over and i had to collect the liquid that poured out and put it back inthe becker---after this leach,part of the pms came out of the ar and parts of the pms was cemented in the powder left with agcl-----so i had to dry the powder left , incinerate ,kill the iron,agl with sulfuric or hcl and then take the pms with ar again to obtain the other part of the pms that did not come out in the ar----a very long and tiryng process----
other times i did the ar and all the pms were cemented in the botton of the becker and the sncl2 test did not give pms dissolved in the ar------
as i process larger quantites of powder now and find very boring and tyring to separate with a magnet the iron(which many times is attached to pms as in ics)---i always (when magnetic) dissolve chemically the iron and other base metals with nitric and add some sulfuric to eliminate all the iron from the powder---of course silver and pd and cu goes to this solution---then i dry the powder left and do the ar leach to take out gold,platinum and sometimes pd that did not come out with the hno3-h2so4 leach---i asked many questions in the forum because of my lazyness and stubornes of not following the rules----if i followed the rules (hokkes,harold ,gsp ,oz,steve and others) i would have greater benefits-
i am making this depoiment to other members that might have run in the same mistakes ,and to say that this forum is great
perhaps i used the wrong thread----thanks all
Some dumb things I have done, processing in 5 gallon pails and not keeping track of what was originally in the pail or even a date the pail was started. After a couple of months when you siphon off the liquids and the stuff in the pail doesn't even come close to what you had left earlier.

Absolutely no recognition of the colors and goop laying at the bottom of the pail.

Living in Manitoba limits the time available to refine outdoors, so the pails sit and wait, I now mark dates and contents on all my pails.

Removing magnetic material from the crushed IC's that I run through the all mill is easy, I cover the material with water, then using a plastic bag over a magnet swish it through the solution agitating everything into suspension which then finds the magnet.

Your input is always welcomed by me no matter what thread. I must also say that some of the more valuable information found on the forum is because of you posting questions as to so many electronic scrap types you have run. It only requires that people take the time to read them in detail and they would learn much. Probably 75% of the members here deal with electronics as their primary source material. One never stops learning and I find your threads of great value.

On a parting note I wish to compliment you as to your posts, many here may not know that english is a second language to you.

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