Total Newbie Needing Help

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New member
Feb 24, 2013
So this is the place I keep getting referred to on my journey. I would like to try my hand at scraping stuff for precious metals, but am clueless as to what I should be getting, where to get it, identifying right stuff, getting things like those tiny capacitors and things, the inlaid gold in circuit boards, how to refine to get my gold and thus my money, etc.

I've looked at some of the stuff in the forum, but there is soooo much that I am overwhelmed and lost at where to begin.
There is no simple way to help you with such a vague/broad question.

Read the safety section, download C.M. Hoke's book ( from the book section ) and read it thoroughly, and search key words that come to mind using the search function.

Also here is a link to lasersteve's guided tour.

Welcome to the forum and be safe.
Welcome to the forum.
You've been given good advice and links to point you in the right direction but I will add you need to identify the materials you intend to work with, what have you got, what can you get, what quantities and at what cost if any. For e scrap the best price is free or as close to that as possible as very little precious metals is used in the majority of it, there are rare exceptions, and the money is in the base metals to cover costs with the PMs been a bonus, if but a small one.
There are many many types of value bearing materials so try to pick a few to start and see what's available and the processes needed to recover and refine them, it's all here on the forum but you have to do the leg work and read and study if your dream to refine is to come true, it's not easy and it takes dedication but it's entirely possible from just studying here.
Good luck
Hello I am trying to learn this process. I have tried many times and can not get gold to precipitate. I am in the process of reading hoke's book. My solution is testing strong with a stantinous chloride test, It turns a deep black. I used the HCL nitrate salt method for producing aqua regia. In a test tube i have tried SMB, Oxalic acid, Ferrous sulfide, lye, lye seems to do something but when washed with HCL it dissolved. Oxalic acid seemed to drop everything out. SMB and ferrous sulfide did nothing, it turned black then clear again. In the case of SMB it seem to just sink to the bottom, in one case i dissolved the SMB first and it seemed to push it self out of the solution and sunk to the bottom. Is it possible my test is detecting platinum? I do not see why that would be, I dissolved pins and a few finger boards. If anyone can tell me where I'm going wrong I would appreciate it,
too much NO3? research for how to be sure, no NO3 is left....dont use urea.

(correctly not NO3 but NOCl)
The only thing I see you doing right at this point is reading Hokes book, I am assuming you are doing everything else wrong at this point, is your gold chloride solution a clear yellow when you try to precipitate gold, or is it a dirty green or almost brown color?

What are the scrap materials you are working on, did you separate the different types of material, what metals did you remove mechanically if possible, did you separate your gold from the other material as much as possible mechanically, did you remove almost all of the other metals before you dissolved your gold?

Did you remove base metals from your gold chemically before you dissolved your gold in almost a pure state?

Also how much of each chemical did you use to make your homemade aqua regia, if you use too much of one chemical and not enough of another you can end up with problems, lets say you add too much sodium nitrate, now you have too much nitrate and not enough acid, the metals use up acid so you end up with a solution of metal chlorides and nitrate salts, now say you try to evaporate this solution to remove free nitric acid, you still have Nitrate salts and metal chlorides and every time you add more HCl to re-wet all you do is make more nitric acid in the solution, as the acid dissolves the nitrate salts again, OK now you add handful of urea, the urea gets rid of the NO2 and HNO2, but does nothing else but add more impurity to your already impure mess, it does not remove the nitrate salts, which if acidified would again form nitric acid, the problems can just go on and on.

You have read about a process, I am not sure which process or where, but the process may work if performed properly, but when you mentioned using urea, it sounds to me like something you learned from somewhere besides the forum, in this case it may not work at all, also there are many things you would need to understand before you could be successful at making a process work, even if it is a good process and you are following instructions well, little things can be very important, and you may miss some small very important detail, a problem may occur in one step and you may begin to have problems from there on, when you run into a small problem, you do not recognize it, or do not have the understanding of how to deal with it, so after you done everything following all the instruction you still cannot get back all of the gold you are dissolving, you spend a lot of time and work to find scrap, just to come to find out all of your gold is just being dissolved and lost.

My suggestion just study and collect scrap for a while, study Hoke's and do the experiments in her book, get yourself acquainted with the reactions, study the forum and the processes, the gold you will get as scrap will pile up, you will not be loosing it, learn from the forum how to separate your scrap, and mechanically prepare it for recovery, then study one procedure from beginning to end, I suggest starting off with a simple procedure, like getting gold from memory fingers or card edges, learn how to prepare the material separating the fingers from the rest of the circuit board, where you do not end up with other troublesome metals like tin or lead from solder with your close cut fingers, study the copper (II) Chloride leach (acid peroxide method) to dissolve the copper from the gold flakes, study how to prepare these flake and dissolve them in a solution like hydrochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite solution study it well how much and how to use it, study how to remove the oxidizer chlorine from solution, study doing the stannous chloride test, study precipitating gold, study how to wash the gold, study how to re-refine the gold, dissolve it again and precipitate it again and wash it, study how to dry the gold study how to melt the gold, by studying and doing this not only will you have your gold in a pretty button but you will also have gained experience that will help you understand a more complicated procedure, so then you can study it and try it using the experience you gained from Hokes and your known working procedures and the experience you have gained from doing them and getting gold successfully.
he did not mention using urea, I just gave him the advice not to use, because many sources tell about urea, so a newby can easily come to belief that this would be a way to go.

after I have read your other thread, I think it would be the best for you to keep the solution for later processing, when you have read your exercises again. When you think you have found the reasons, why it this time not worked, you can give it another try - but tell us what you want to do first before you try. Start again with pure material, follow the instructions to the point. Ask first if you are not sure. Calculate your amounts of needed chemicals. Be patient when adding in small amounts. Listen to butcher.

Edit: Hell!!! Just read your third thread. You just dont know, what you are doing! Stop it and read Hoke!

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