Treating Cemented solids

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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2011
York County, PA.
Hi all. Been Busy in the lab and this are going good. As in any learning excersize, I have made my share of mistakes resulting in a decent quanity of gold ending up in the stock pot. I cemented with copper and now have the powder sitting here waiting for me. Can someone point me in the right direction to a thread dealing with the processing of the cement? I have experimented and searched and tried to read up, but I am at a slight loss on the finding the correct threads..

John S.
Simply run it through the next process. Either AR or HCl/Cl. That will put your gold in solution. Are you familiar with either of these? With either procedure your gold will be 'dirty' and you will need to wash the powders very well and re-refine. John.
Thank you very much.

Maynman: I was actually doing just that. I dried the sediment, then re-AR'ed it. I did not know if I was doing it right or not. Thanks for confirming that I am!!..I am familiar with the AR proceedure, the double refining and the washing proceedures. I actually took samples to a client of mine who is a jewler to see how close I came to really pure. He said that without assay all he can tell me is that if I was trying for ultra pure, then I had accomplished the mission. Go ME!! (or should I say go US, as it is taking the village to raise me)

Glondor... never thought of that... Thank you very much.

I am interested in how you guys are incenerating your filters. I have seen the home made furnaces but I have yet to get to the point I need one enough to build one. I tried putting them in a pan and pouring achool on them. That works ok. I even put small filters (millipore 3/4" .45u) in a beaker and put it on a hot plate. Works well. But what other methods are there?

Thanks again.
John S.
ReapHer_6 said:
Thank you very much.

Maynman: I was actually doing just that. I dried the sediment, then re-AR'ed it. I did not know if I was doing it right or not. Thanks for confirming that I am!!..I am familiar with the AR proceedure, the double refining and the washing proceedures. I actually took samples to a client of mine who is a jewler to see how close I came to really pure. He said that without assay all he can tell me is that if I was trying for ultra pure, then I had accomplished the mission. Go ME!! (or should I say go US, as it is taking the village to raise me)

Glondor... never thought of that... Thank you very much.

I am interested in how you guys are incenerating your filters. I have seen the home made furnaces but I have yet to get to the point I need one enough to build one. I tried putting them in a pan and pouring achool on them. That works ok. I even put small filters (millipore 3/4" .45u) in a beaker and put it on a hot plate. Works well. But what other methods are there?

Thanks again.
John S.

be careful taking a jewelers word on gold purity. Harold has spoken about this before, just because a man knows jewelry doesn't mean he knows the content of a given metal.

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