Ugly brown mud from AP and fingers

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2009
I put a bunch of memory and ISA fingers into AP for a few days. Half the foils are still attached so I poured off the liquid and put in fresh AP. Here is the liquid:


Dark, brown-green with chunks is it worth treating for PM?
I usually don't think of brown mud as being ugly, test it for gold.
in a very concentrated solution copper chloride will look brown, water and hcl will turn green CuCl2, if gold will stay Ugly I mean pretty brown mud.
don't forget your eye's into solution's the stannous chloride test.
should not discard solutions or powder untill they are tested,of course your starting materials can also be a factor as to what you have.
example: black or gray powder that is insoluble in Aqua regia, can contain very valuble metals (PGM's). at the prices these days disgarding them could be very costly.

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