Ultra-fine gold

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Ultra fine gold? I'm not sure what that means.

Readers-------please-----when asking questions, can you please talk in full sentences, providing enough information so a good and proper answer can be provided?

In this instance-----are you asking about recovering gold that is of very fine quality------or is the gold very fine in particle size?

How much of my time do you expect me to spend answering a question that is not understood?

Harold, did you have a bad day today? There are plenty of ambiguous questions maybe even a stupid question here and there. This is neither. I would have to imagine if he was educated enough to want info on particle size, he would have referred to it as "colloidal gold". I find it patently obvious that he is asking about purity since the purity of gold is often referred to as "fine gold" etc.

I have found that it is usually overkill to go for super high purity unless you are going to mint coins or sell 10,000 ingots in which case the smallest impurities or adulterations add up quickly. If you are still interested you can spend quite a bit of money on ultrapure reagents and expensive acid washed quartz that will not leach any metal ions into your solutions or you can use electrochemistry to deposit gold onto a cathode. If you are interested there are plenty of sources of information on the web but as I mentioned, I think it is pretty much overkill, not to mention it will cost more to do than it will add to the value of the gold unless you are a large scale producer.
When I read it if you interpret it from a miners prospective if could mean Flower gold (ultra-fine gold ) from a placer deposit, I guess would be my first take. He only has 4 posts so I can’t tell if he’s into refining or just recover of some type ?

I Agree with Harold. Having been here full time in the past I can tell you that from time to time the Moderators who do this full time can get frustrated. It doesn’t mean that they mean any harm by their comments. Some times we run across the same questions many time during the course of a month or even years. I can drive you crazy sometimes trying to figure out what someone is asking, especially if they are from another country or culture. God bless this forum. Having to answer so many questions is time consuming and can amount to massive amounts of time and research. We just like to try to streamline the process so our time is best utilized for the overall forum, that’s why we ask for very detailed questions, it’s hard enough to figure it out if we could see it let alone just reading the description on the screen in front of us. My eyes hurt now, lol. Each moderator has his own field of specialty and bring to this board many years of experience which would otherwise be lost to the common field of ( Back yard refining ) No pun intended. They all do so not to further their own benefit but to benefit the advancement of the field of hobbyist refining. Before this board came along there was no organization in the field of refining, only Megan rose and EBay. and god help us I forgot Shor, Now how could I forget them.

This forum now has over 6,000 members. The forum Birthday is coming up next week. Feb, 24th, if I’m not mistaken. 2 years and still going strong. Maybe we need a post it Harold on the main page where the forum rules are explaining why it’s important to ask detailed questions and a small something or another pointing the way to Hoke and explaining to them the importance of the basic understandings of refining.

Anybody want to write it ?
The moderators also rely on the other members to do their part in filling in the gaps. If you don’t know the answer yourself, research it yourself and then post your findings for others to learn from. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen anything like a board contest like Steve use to do, Or anyone write a process Paper like Noxx does from time to time. I’m sure he has an ace up his sleeve or two yet. A new video or two from some of the other members would be nice. I guess the point I’m trying to make is we need to do something special for the forum’s 2nd birthday and maybe focus on expanding and editing some of our content. Like adding some new sections. What you ask ? I don’t know, that’s what we are all here for to make these decisions as a group. As a group we will grow. This forum has come a longggg way in 2 years. But my vision is for the future 5-10 years. I like to think ahead of the curve. And right now the curve is gold is higher than hell and it’s driving the field of precious metal recovery and refining. Which in return is bringing in membership and recognition to this board. There are more people lurking around here than most people know about. Hummmmm. The more this board grows the less likely it is some will fall victim to on of these scam artist running around the industry. Until this board came along they had free reign of the market, they controlled the structure of how gold was recovered and refined and how much it is worth. Not to say that all refiners are crooks, but in this send me your gold because I saw you ad on t.v. and couple that with the economy and the need for money the market has really opened up to scam artist. But I need to quit talking now or I won’t stop. Anyway I don’t think Harold meant any harm he is just very serious and blunt to the point sometimes.

jriendeau said:
Harold, did you have a bad day today?
Not until just now.

There are plenty of ambiguous questions maybe even a stupid question here and there. This is neither. I would have to imagine if he was educated enough to want info on particle size, he would have referred to it as "colloidal gold". I find it patently obvious that he is asking about purity since the purity of gold is often referred to as "fine gold" etc.
Hey, Good for you that you found it "patently obvious"-------but I did not. I also do not appreciate your smart remarks.

Get this straight. I dedicate one hell of a lot of my time on this board. I am its first active member, and bring to the table years of refining experience. I am retired, and no longer deal with refining, not in any way, shape or form. I gain nothing by being here----I am here to try to help others achieve a level of proficiency in the refining field---and expect nothing in return. The least readers can do is talk in full sentences so we can spend our time productively instead of trying to figure out what the hell they are asking.

As for you, your apology will be expected and accepted.

Next time try to look at things from the perspective of those that actually contribute something on this forum, and put your "patently obvious" comment in neutral.

I agree with Harold. If he or anyone else is going to take the time to respond and assist on the topic, the least the original poster could do is be as specific as possible.

I did not find it "patently obvious" either :wink:
I agree that if somebody would like answers to the questions
they ask, the least they can do is ask it so it is clear, and the
person doesn't have to decipher it, and hope he is answering
it properly. I have Harold's back on this, and everything he says
and does. He is one of this forums top people, and he deserves
respect. Some questions may seem patently obvious to you, but
stick around here for awhile and see how wrong you can be.

Still hoping for the 10,000 members mark aren't you ? :p

BTW, I received offers to sell the forum but hey... This forum is part of me now. I would never think about selling it.
Noxx said:

Still hoping for the 10,000 members mark aren't you ? :p

BTW, I received offers to sell the forum but hey... This forum is part of me now. I would never think about selling it.

That just means your doing something right if someone else wants it. :wink:

Yes, 10,000 would be very nice, but 25,000 just has a nice ring to it.
I've got a new marketing idea i'm going to try soon. :D
Youtube is getting stricter about something’s. They are really pissing me off. But on the other hand i like some of the updates they have made to their programming. I see youtube making some changes that i don't think are in the best for the little guy, but from the corporate side make good sense. They just need to find the right balance i guess. :?
Harold_V said:
jriendeau said:
Harold, did you have a bad day today?
Not until just now.

There are plenty of ambiguous questions maybe even a stupid question here and there. This is neither. I would have to imagine if he was educated enough to want info on particle size, he would have referred to it as "colloidal gold". I find it patently obvious that he is asking about purity since the purity of gold is often referred to as "fine gold" etc.
Hey, Good for you that you found it "patently obvious"-------but I did not. I also do not appreciate your smart remarks.

Get this straight. I dedicate one hell of a lot of my time on this board. I am its first active member, and bring to the table years of refining experience. I am retired, and no longer deal with refining, not in any way, shape or form. I gain nothing by being here----I am here to try to help others achieve a level of proficiency in the refining field---and expect nothing in return. The least readers can do is talk in full sentences so we can spend our time productively instead of trying to figure out what the hell they are asking.

As for you, your apology will be expected and accepted.

Next time try to look at things from the perspective of those that actually contribute something on this forum, and put your "patently obvious" comment in neutral.


Harold, thanks for the time, energy, and knowledge you bring to this forum. I am with you clarity is key when getting or giving help on such technical matters.



You're perfectly welcome, and I thank you for your understanding.

It is my pleasure to be of service.

Every time I precipitate gold out of solution,I end up with gold that is
so fine that it passes thru the filter paper. When I allow the combination
of gold and acid the stand for several days, the Gold settles to the
bottom of the container. I then decant the clear top solution. Then add
clean water to wash out all the acid. When the gold is free of acid
and in PH 7 solution, I add a little Sodium Aluminate I get from
water Technologies <www> This collects all the ultra -fine Gold and can the be sucessfully filtered.
I have seen " Colloidal Gold " in solution that has been in suspension
for over 20 years. to get Colloidal Gold out of suspension , the Gold has
to be redesolved and then re-precipitated out of solution.

I love Hydro- Metallurgy
Dont want to harp on but
As a newbie and had good sensible replies from Harold then you can understand him getting annoyed.

I for one like Harolds blunt approach he has the exsperience and knowledge. Treat him and all moderators with the respect they deserve, after all if it was not for them this forum would not exist.

Keep up the good work Harold and tell it like it is.

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