Upgrade the purity.....!

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New member
Aug 31, 2013
Hi guys
I try to refine 275 Kg scrap gold (purity is approximately of 870%), using aquareagia process.
When the digestion of gold by acidic solution is done i transfare the solution in filter to preseptatesilver.
Atoush of silver goes with gold to preseptation reactor and when i finsh to drop agold the purity is 997.5%....!
How ican upgrade the purity to 999.9%.
Note that i have 2 amount of this
1. Grains. And 2. Gold powder
(can I repeat to dissolve powder again with aquareagia).
Re-refining in aqua regia will help, basically leaving a portion of the other metals in solution the second refining. using a different chemical to precipitate the gold the second time also helps, the different chemical used in the second refining, that will not precipitate the same base metal as the first precipitation did. (some times knowing the base metals involved can help to choose the chemicals used by each of the refining's to get better results (See Hokes book, and forum for more details).

Harold's gold washing techniques of the precipitated gold powders also help to remove silver chloride and other base metals that were either precipitated or dragged down with the gold. See the thread getting your gold pure and shining (in the help needed section).

Then there is electrolysis method, to refine the relatively pure gold anodes. See Hokes book and the Wohwill process.
I hope that was a type-o, $10 million is enough to just sell it as is! :shock:

Wonder how many times I'd have to fill my 1 liter beaker to process 500 lbs of karat scrap? :lol:
Well if approximately 150 ml of aqua regia, (118ml HCl) and (29.5ml HNO3) will dissolve a troy ounce of gold....

Looks like you need bigger beakers, but that would cut into your profit on the gold.
I just wonder how anyone can have 870g gold in 100 g scrap?! Maybe you have discovered a new dimension, which could be worth more than the gold. It could be used for safe disposure of active waste.
Actually, that dimension is filled with gold. Where do you think he's getting it from? :p

At this point, I'd recommend that the gentleman just pulp in sulfuric, do the ammonia treatment, then melt with Chapman's. Should get commercially pure gold that way.
WOW! Joined the forum on August 31, and is already talking of processing $10 million dollars worth of gold. I wish I had problems like that. Next week, it may be $100 million.

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